Documenting first attempt at cloning, help me out!

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
Ok so I took a few clones around 16 that are alive now.

Rootone rooting hormone
seaweed feed
hydrogen peroxide
rapid rooters
jiffy pellets

I first soaked some rapid rooters and jiffy pellets in water with a few drops of Hydrogen peroxide (supposed to stop infections from happening?)

One batch I have had for 4 or 5 days, the other for 2 or 3.

Some leaves were yellowing so I took them off, you can see some I left on.
I used to have them on top of a subwoofer I have that stays warm, but I just took them off today I think it warms them too much and dries the air out.

I've been misting the plants and the roof of the domes with the seaweed foliar spray.

How do they look? Am I missing anything, do you think they will survive?

EDIT: the flash from the camera makes them look a little more yellow than they really are. Also the ones that are yellowing are usually the lowest leaf set on the clone, could that be a sign of rooting?


ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
they look about the same but no worse at least. I added a little bit of Green Light root stimulator 5-20-10 to the spray bottle. Should I only spray the medium with this since it's root stimulator, or will the leaves benefit too? I don't want to make the medium too moist inviting rot.


Active Member
They look better than mine lol... I just took my first set, off a plant thats only 20 days from seed, and 3 of five are standing tall and should make it. They other two look a little sad, but its my first shot at it.

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
Hey somebuddy thanks for replying

update: ~ 1 week

as you can see, more of them have yellowing leaves, but they are all bottom set, but those leaves do not look good.

Should I cut off those leaves?

One clone was all wilted and looking dead so i looked to see if any roots had formed and nothing had happened, so I would not be surprised if the rest don't have any roots formed at all.

any thoughts on how they are doing?



Well-Known Member
Nice rotisery chicken containers.HAHA way to think outside the box. That will work.
You can expect some yellowing. I t can take up to 2 weeks to see any roots, depending on how healthy the mothers were. Make sure they get fresh air a few times a day by opening the container.
Things to think about wlie cloning:
Is your razorblade sterilised?
keep roots at 75ish
Make water 6.0(rockwool or soil)
make sure midea is in good contact with stem
Start giving it more time in the open air after 3 or 4 days
When just starting to clone take twice as many as you need.

They look ok dude. Good luck

Also, I have never got any roots to come out of the 45degree angle cut. It allways starts rooting just b4 the cut. Can any one confirm? Myfriends aroponic cloner gets roots out of the cut , but when I do it with plugs it dosen't . Why?

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
Nice rotisery chicken containers.HAHA way to think outside the box. That will work.
You can expect some yellowing. I t can take up to 2 weeks to see any roots, depending on how healthy the mothers were. Make sure they get fresh air a few times a day by opening the container.
Things to think about wlie cloning:
Is your razorblade sterilised?
keep roots at 75ish
Make water 6.0(rockwool or soil)
make sure midea is in good contact with stem
Start giving it more time in the open air after 3 or 4 days
When just starting to clone take twice as many as you need.

They look ok dude. Good luck

Also, I have never got any roots to come out of the 45degree angle cut. It allways starts rooting just b4 the cut. Can any one confirm? Myfriends aroponic cloner gets roots out of the cut , but when I do it with plugs it dosen't . Why?
Hey thanks. The mother was nice and healthy, had around 9 main stalks, I took offshoots from the bottom half of the plant. Here it is pictured after it was tied down.

Yeah 3 or 4 days ago I took little pieces of rapid rooter media from one of the plugs and pushed it into the holes where the stalks are, so they got better contact with the media.

I've been using distilled water with a little bit of 0-0-1 seaweed mixed in a spray bottle.

I was hoping for results like this guy had Sorry to any mods if its not ok to show another forum? Not sure.

I'll keep it updated



Hey guys i'm new to this cloning thing. Strictly outdoors man but trying something new... I was wondering about the water being sprayed on the roots does it have to be emptied out after a while or should that water just keep doing that till the roots appear.

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
Update: Picture 1 + 2 ~ 11 days
Picture 3+4 ~ 13 days

I took a healthy looking one and split the medium to see if anything had formed. I saw three nodules coming off a side of the stem and closed the medium after seeing that.

So at least one has some roots at all

They are just yellowing more each day, I don't see them hanging on till they have big roots



Well-Known Member
They will live. Do you have a heat mat? That would help. How mush air are you giving the now? Remember, wait till they have some nice root growth out of the plug, before you transplant them into promix with no nutes.( important, no nutes)

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
They will live. Do you have a heat mat? That would help. How mush air are you giving the now? Remember, wait till they have some nice root growth out of the plug, before you transplant them into promix with no nutes.( important, no nutes)
should I just be spraying clean water on them now, because i've been spraying water mixed with a little liquid seaweed

I don't have a heat mat. but it is always at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit. I do have a computer subwoofer though, that is warm and whenever I am around I rotate each chicken container on it each 30 minutes in case they get too warm

I wish they weren't going so slowly. How much moisture should each rapid rooter have?


Well-Known Member
should I just be spraying clean water on them now, because i've been spraying water mixed with a little liquid seaweed

I don't have a heat mat. but it is always at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit. I do have a computer subwoofer though, that is warm and whenever I am around I rotate each chicken container on it each 30 minutes in case they get too warm

I wish they weren't going so slowly. How much moisture should each rapid rooter have?
They should be wet 24hr.

You can get more chicken containers, so I would sudgest cutting some small holes in them. It's been 4 or 5 days now, so start giving them a little air.

I use Chi, or diamond nectar, as folier spray. But whatever you have i'm sure will work.

I would get a heat mat. It's more controlled heat. they really need that.


Well-Known Member
They should be wet 24hr.

You can get more chicken containers, so I would sudgest cutting some small holes in them. It's been 4 or 5 days now, so start giving them a little air.

I use Chi, or diamond nectar, as folier spray. But whatever you have i'm sure will work.

I would get a heat mat. It's more controlled heat. they really need that.
they still alive?


Well-Known Member
get a heating mat for next time and i stop misting after 4 days and only do it if they look very droopy dont be discouraged sometimes it can take a few trys i have done prob couple hundred of sucessful clones and every once in a while i have a bad batch everything else has been said ph water sterlized razors good rooting nuts/ gel

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
get a heating mat for next time and i stop misting after 4 days and only do it if they look very droopy dont be discouraged sometimes it can take a few trys i have done prob couple hundred of sucessful clones and every once in a while i have a bad batch everything else has been said ph water sterlized razors good rooting nuts/ gel
hey thanks for replying.

Yeah if I ever do it again I will be sure to get a heating mat.

I misted for pretty much the entire time a few times a day and had the dome on for most of the time except the last few days
when they just lost their green and withered away.

So now I know not to mist so much.