Does a plant need a period of darkness in veg?


Active Member
So does a plant grow better on 24/0 as compared with 18/6?

Apart from budding of course is the dark useful in anyway?


Active Member
Your plants will flourish, more nodes/branches and leaves will form with a 24/0 photoperiod. The point is, if you are going to go 24/0 you have to make sure you have good ventilation and your temps are dialed in. 18/6 will save you some electricity and give your bulbs a rest/let your room "cool down" but will do nothing for your plants but slow them down.
peace~ bLITz
Your plants will flourish, more nodes/branches and leaves will form with a 24/0 photoperiod. The point is, if you are going to go 24/0 you have to make sure you have good ventilation and your temps are dialed in. 18/6 will save you some electricity and give your bulbs a rest/let your room "cool down" but will do nothing for your plants but slow them down.
peace~ bLITz
I have to disagree as you have more root growth during lights off.So in turn i would say going 18/6 would be a good thing make your plants develop strong and healthy root system.


Well-Known Member
One way in which plants are categorized is by the way they gather and handle carbon dioxide. Cannabis is a C3 plant. It uses the CO2 it gathers during the light period, when it is photosynthesizing. Plants designated C4 also gather CO2 during the dark period for use during the light period. Many C3 plants, including cannabis, do not need a rest period. They continue to photosynthesize as long as they are receiving light.


Well-Known Member
I have to disagree as you have more root growth during lights off.So in turn i would say going 18/6 would be a good thing make your plants develop strong and healthy root system.
thats what I use is 18/6. My plants seem to grow faster durring lights out. IDK.....But everywhere says no break is needed.
Ok let me just say its up to you what you want to do.Some people have lights on 24/0 or 18/6.Its not a bad thing if you decide to go either way whichever one you feel is better.After trying both I find 18/6 is good enough.


Well-Known Member
i've always used the 24/0 light schedule until this summer when i had a heat battle going on. so i went with the 18/6 schedule, the only differnce i really noticed was how much easier it is to keep the temps down. if the girls lost any growth due to the shorter light period it was worth every bit of it but i couldn't tell.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
day light is what gives more growth., its stored energy that carries it through dark times. dark promotes more auxins that promote more stretch not grpwth. and light brings more cytokins and that is more tight nodes and bud site or lateral growth,.
not sure why people think more dark grows better. then why not all dark then. its stretch not growth. is also why we get ther 12/12 stretch....more auxins with that 12 dark


Well-Known Member
NO... I grow with my lights on 24/7.... I have for years... how much stretrch a plant does during the 2 week tranfer has to due with strain

Purple kush will mabey stretch 6-8 inches during the frst 2 weeks of 12/12.... 12 inch turns into 18 inches.... Sour diesel will tripple in size.... a 12 inch plant turn in 36 inch

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
only way to get more real growth. to nme more internodial stretch isnt growth...not the type we want anyways


Well-Known Member
The whole point of not going with 24/0 is that you see a point of diminished returns with that light cycle. A 22/2 or 20/4 will give you a similar growth rate and save you money on electricity.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
On the cellular level, auxin is essential for cell growth, affecting both cell division and cellular expansion. Depending on the specific tissue, auxin may promote axial elongation (as in shoots), lateral expansion (as in root swelling), or isodiametric expansion (as in fruit growth). In some cases (coleoptile growth) auxin-promoted cellular expansion occurs in the absence of cell division. In other cases, auxin-promoted cell division and cell expansion may be closely sequenced within the same tissue (root initiation, fruit growth). In a living plant it appears that auxins and other plant hormones nearly always interact to determine patterns of plant development.
According to the acid growth hypothesis for auxin action, auxins may directly stimulate the early phases of cell elongation by causing responsive cells to actively transport hydrogen ions out of the cell, thus lowering the pH around cells. This acidification of the cell wall region activates wall-loosening proteins known as expansins, which allow slippage of cellulose microfibrils in the cell wall, making the cell wall less rigid. When the cell wall is loosened by the action of auxins, this now-less-rigid wall is expanded by cell turgor pressure, which presses against the cell wall.

However, the acid growth hypothesis does not by itself account for the increased synthesis and transport of cell wall precursors and secretory activity in the Golgi system that accompany and sustain auxin-promoted cell expansion.

in plain english...cell elongation means more stretch

Medi 1

Well-Known Member

Auxin is the active ingredient in most rooting mixtures. These products help the vegetative propagation of plants. On a cellular level auxins influence cell elongation, cell division and the formation of adventitious roots. Some auxins are active at extremely low concentrations. Typical auxin concentration range from 0.01 to 10 mg/L.


Cytokinins promote cell division, stimulate shoot proliferation, activate gene expression and metabolic activity in general. At the same time, cytokinins inhibit root formation. This makes cytokinins useful in culturing plant cell tissue where strong growth without root formation is desirable. Natural cytokinin hormone levels are high during maximum growth periods of mature plants. In addition, cytokinins slow the aging process in plants. Concentrations of cytokinin used for horticulture vary between 0.1 to 10 mg/L

there is alot more to this but this is the basic


Well-Known Member
Exactly ! It saves you money extra light time per cycle = more growth .I have read studies on this though and what I read was they do better with some dark period though gives them a chance to rest and do their nighttime deal .


Well-Known Member
So does a plant grow better on 24/0 as compared with 18/6?

Apart from budding of course is the dark useful in anyway?
I just researched this, Cannabis is a C3 plant, which means It can only intake CO2 during daylight hours, which is crucial for photosynthesis. So the answer is no, you do not need a night period. Running an extra six hours of light will cost more money and may cause heat issues though. It's up to preference though, some people will say that there is no difference but statistically there is no matter how negligible.


Well-Known Member
i've used 18/6 20/4 and the 24 hour times for veg at least twice. I cannot see a difference in any of them now i use 18/6 just to save a little money.


Active Member
Thank you for all your reply's. I have mine set on a 18/6 timmer through out the night to control temps. I was just interested in the way cannabis grows