Does Alcohol destroy smell?


My gut says no, I assume it might even make it smell worse as it evaporates, because I am sure dogs could find alcohol thc tinctures right?

But this is what I was thinking....

Anyone who has ever been bored enough to read about "beating" a drug dog is probably familiar with bleach destroying smell, and all I have ever heard is its the only thing that can "remove" or destroy the scent of weed on the surface of some material like plastic or glass.

So I guess my first question is it even true bleach will destroy the weed molecules making them undetectable by a dog, and if so would alcohol(such as 90% iso, or 180 proof liquor) have the same effect?

Idea being, vaccuum seal a bag an oz of weed twice(bleaching between layers). Place oz inside a double walled thermos, fill thermos with alcohol, clean cap/outside of thermos. Using gloves the whole time of course. Think that would be "smell proof?"

Or maybe just water, or h2o2? I guess you could use 10% bleach, but I don't like the idea of that, even double bagged.


Well-Known Member
plastic will leach odor. use a glass tube & your idea might work. where do you live, Beijing?


Well-Known Member
No, but it does aborb alot of the THC,
So unless you're drinking the bong water....

Edit: sorry, didn't read the entire thread. I'm not sure.


Yeah I know plastic will leach odor over time(which is why vacuum sealed bags can't beat dogs on their own), it's just the only way I have of vacuum sealing. In this scenario Its really just to keep the weed safe from the liquid. The weed inside a test tube, then inside the vacuum sealed bags/ in liquid/ in thermos would be the ultimate, but you can't fit that much inside a test tube.

And no, I am from the south, and the hick cops around here LOVE busting potheads, even for just a joint.

And I thought a double walled thermos would be better than a mason jar. Or would glass still be more impermeable the stainless steel?

I know the old standby for transportation of a cpl oz(at least in my circle) has been vacuum sealed bags inside mason jars, with all surfaces cleaned with bleach. But I thought
putting the bags inside liquid(preferably odor destroying) would have to be nearly fool proof.

Since apparently alcohol wont destroy odor like bleach, think the weed would be safe from 10% bleach inside 2 layers or thick vacuum bags, for a couple hours?


Well-Known Member
misconception about beating dogs....thier nose is awesome......they know what tch smells like.....and they may know what bleach is but they can smell every thing has a road map for em....they just sort it out not combine it........kinda hard to explain but I raised hunting dogs and know about odors and trying to mask them............ok say you seal it toched it so your fingers have some on even though its sealed you left a trace on the thats one way they can find it....many levels to a dog sniffing.........then you have the asshole who makes the dog give a false your fucked again..................but really look up it up on the internet about dogs smelling ability it will amaze you.....blood hounds can pick up a trail a month old...........very fasinateing....


The bleach isn't to "cover up" the thc.

As it was explained to me bleach is able to actually destroy THC on a molecular level, changing it to a form dogs won't hit on.

And of course I know about surface contamination, already went over that in previous posts.


Well-Known Member
The bleach isn't to "cover up" the thc.

As it was explained to me bleach is able to actually destroy THC on a molecular level, changing it to a form dogs won't hit on.

And of course I know about surface contamination, already went over that in previous posts.
ahh ok........didnt see that..............but still dont think bleach will change he molecules but I am not a chemist...havent a clue.....just know the way dogs process smell is alot differant than most ppl think..........what pisses me off is the fake hits they make the dogs do..... Ive always heard about peanut butter but never talked to anyone that did that and it worked...........


Well-Known Member
misconception about beating dogs....thier nose is awesome......they know what tch smells like.....and they may know what bleach is but they can smell every thing has a road map for em....they just sort it out not combine it........kinda hard to explain but I raised hunting dogs and know about odors and trying to mask them............ok say you seal it toched it so your fingers have some on even though its sealed you left a trace on the thats one way they can find it....many levels to a dog sniffing.........then you have the asshole who makes the dog give a false your fucked again..................but really look up it up on the internet about dogs smelling ability it will amaze you.....blood hounds can pick up a trail a month old...........very fasinateing....

the best way i've heard it describe was by Barry Cooper.
When you make a stew, what you smell is stew, but your dog will smell carrots, peas, potatos, tomatos, greenbeans, and corn.

I've never made stew, don't talk shit about my ingredients, because that's a guess. :p

Barry also suggested hiding your weed in raw meat.