does anibodi know

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
Baby gro you can't bully an honest person

go back and read your own post

more volume is more thc you dumb ass

go play with your calculator and don't bother helping ME I don't want your fucking help




New Member
He's not starting out with 5lb of bud though (unless you're referring to the cut wet weight) he's starting out with 1lb of air dried bud and getting something like 9-10 ozs after water curing.

personally, I wouldn't do it either, but that wasn't the original question :)
Yup, I was working on the original harvest weight. Nice one for the info' though, I'll never practice it but I may need to supply the info to someone that does one day.

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
Baby gro

lay down the calcuator get out of the FAQ and look me in the eye

If you have one oz of water with 10% booze

remove 1/2 the water and leave all the booze

now you have 20% booze hence increaced potency based on volume

you fucking dumb ass


New Member
Baby gro you can't bully an honest person

go back and read your own post

more volume is more thc you dumb ass

go play with your calculator and don't bother helping ME I don't want your fucking help


I see where the confusion has come in. The bud does technically increase in potency because you are putting more thc into your bowl or whatever. Giving the impression that the bud is stronger because you are inhaling more of it.
LOL, it is a pretty technical point.


Well-Known Member
I only joined your post because I used to like and respect you.

That was the last time. Being right all the time is a lonely world.
It's not a question of being 'right' all the time, it's a question of making sure misinformation doesn't escape and become widely adopted by people who know no better. This happens an awful lot on this site and the 'water cure' method of curing buds is quite an emotive subject for a number of people myself included and there's a fair amount of 'misunderstanding' about what it ultimately produces.

From my own research and experience I would never water cure bud as I beleive the air dried and cured method, whilst taking longer and when done correctly ultimately produces the best smoking and tasting bud you can get. This isn't just my opinion, it's a view I've learnt from reading a great many peoples opinions on curing buds. There are of course situations that dictate a need for a reduced smell and if 'water cure' gives that result I can well see why it may be attractive for people.

At the end of the day, in my opinion (and it is only my opinion) water cure does more harm than good and is best only used on leaf trim and or mouldy bud which cannot be smoked in its mouldy form when water curing would remove the mould.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the information guys. I've come to the conclusion that because i love the smell and taste of bud so much i will only water cure my my stash i toke in the back of my church's bathroom. thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Baby gro

lay down the calcuator get out of the FAQ and look me in the eye

If you have one oz of water with 10% booze

remove 1/2 the water and leave all the booze

now you have 20% booze hence increaced potency based on volume
And the alchohol content remains exactly the same - it does not increase.

If you were to pour out two glasses one with one oz of water and 10% booze and the other with 1/2 oz of water and 10% of 1 oz of water of booze and drink both of them, both of them would contain exactly the same amount of alchohol and would affect you in exactly the same way. So how can one be more potent than the other?


Active Member
heh its funny how much drama comes out of a simple misunderstanding.. it sounds like both of you have pretty much the same idea tho!


moon shadow,

"If you have one oz of water with 10% booze

remove 1/2 the water and leave all the booze"

you now have 18.1818% booze my friend :mrgreen:

..make sure someone doesn't rip you off!


Well-Known Member
While the one thing baby has correct is the amount of misinformation being passed around, by the way, volume has absolutely nothing to do with this at all. It is all about weight.
The facts are simply this:
Water curing does increase potency,by removing the nasty toxins.

7xstall said it best when he pointed this out.....
"he isn't arguing with you, he's (very patiently) trying to help you see the concept. :smile:

yes, if you pack 1 gram of water cured, you will smoke more THC than if you pack 1 gram of non-water cured bud.

look at it from a hash making perspective. smaller micron screen lets less junk through, so you have higher percentage THC = more potent hash. consider the removal of various salts (terpines) and other water soluble components the same as them being screened out... you have a higher concentration of THC, less is now's more potent or whatever word you prefer. i'm prob confusing more, but i hope not. :smile:"

One gram of water cured bud has more thc in it than one gram of air cured bud. Simple as.

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
Baby gro my reaction to you was uncalled for and for that I'm sorry. I had no right to say the things I said. I was only trying to agree with you. Some body else saw that thank god.

Were pot head here not dr's. I made my post from experience not misinformation unless your calling me a lier. And thats ok by me.

The things I said to you were wrong and uncalled for. It only hurt the way it did because of the respect I had for you. You have my permission to call me a dumb ass as often as you like. I will take no reaction.

I tried to delete my post but it won't let me.

enough said I'm done.


Well-Known Member
I see your point Video... I agree it would give more thc per more dense with less mass. Think of it like shrinky dinks guys..( those things you cut out and put in oven and they would shrink// well I had them as a kid)


New Member
While the one thing baby has correct is the amount of misinformation being passed around, by the way, volume has absolutely nothing to do with this at all. It is all about weight.
The facts are simply this:
Water curing does increase potency,by removing the nasty toxins.

7xstall said it best when he pointed this out.....
"he isn't arguing with you, he's (very patiently) trying to help you see the concept. :smile:

yes, if you pack 1 gram of water cured, you will smoke more THC than if you pack 1 gram of non-water cured bud.

look at it from a hash making perspective. smaller micron screen lets less junk through, so you have higher percentage THC = more potent hash. consider the removal of various salts (terpines) and other water soluble components the same as them being screened out... you have a higher concentration of THC, less is now's more potent or whatever word you prefer. i'm prob confusing more, but i hope not. :smile:"

One gram of water cured bud has more thc in it than one gram of air cured bud. Simple as.
Yes, but technically the gramme of water-cured is really 4 grammes of air-cured. So if you smoked 1 gramme of water-cured in 1 hit and smoked 4 grammes of air cured in 1 hit the potency would be the same.


Well-Known Member
That's an odd way to look at it skunkushybrid.
If you rolled two joints, each with one gram on marijuana in them.......
One from air cured weed, and the other from water cured weed.....
The water cured will have more thc in it, hence getting you higher.

Yes, but technically the gramme of water-cured is really 4 grammes of air-cured. So if you smoked 1 gramme of water-cured in 1 hit and smoked 4 grammes of air cured in 1 hit the potency would be the same.


Well-Known Member
One gram of water cured bud has more thc in it than one gram of air cured bud. Simple as.
Its nothing like as 'simple as' as you put it and to demonstrate, please answer the following simple question (read the question carefully, it's very specifically worded and isn't a trick question)

You take two lots of 1g of bud. Both have been air cured and you water cure one of them. You make two spliffs out of the two lots of bud and smoke them one after the other.

Which spliff contains the most THC or do they both contain exactly the same amounts of it? If they both contain the same amounts of THC, how can you say water cured bud contains more?


Well-Known Member
I do not see it as a trick question at all.
I have two thoughts on your question, here they are:

It is however confusing in the fact that if you already air-cured the bud, than you want to water cure it? I think there may be a point of deminishing returns, as it was already cured. so your not really curing it, rather you are simply washng it.

Assuming that the "re-curing" works, and it should be of some benefit, as we already know the thc is not water soluable, but some of the nastys are water soluable.

The answer would be: that if you smoked the 1g of water cured bud, it dosent weigh 1g anymore, it weighs less, but has the same amount of thc as the 1g of air cured.

You are correct it is a very specifically worded question, it is however, an unfair question, or rather I feel it is an unfair question.
The reasoning is that a typical joint woud hold about 1 gram, and using this guide, 1 gram of water cured bud will hold more thc that 1 gram of air cured bud. simple as.

Your way of looking at it is like weighing apples against oranges, why not judge one gram of water cured against one gram of air cured?

Looking at it your way, one would assume that is in someones best interest to buy an oz of crappy weed and smoke 3 joints, as it will get you as high as one joint of quality bud.

Its nothing like as 'simple as' as you put it and to demonstrate, please answer the following simple question (read the question carefully, it's very specifically worded and isn't a trick question)

You take two lots of 1g of bud. Both have been air cured and you water cure one of them. You make two spliffs out of the two lots of bud and smoke them one after the other.

Which spliff contains the most THC or do they both contain exactly the same amounts of it? If they both contain the same amounts of THC, how can you say water cured bud contains more?


New Member
water cured bud contains more thc per weight than air cured.

If you have 2 exact quantities of air dried bud and water cured one quantity. Both quantities would hold the same amount of thc. The thc in the water bud will be spread around a much smaller area.

The price of water cured bud should be around 4 times more expensive than air dried.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I personally wont water cure as I luv the aroma and taste of air.jar cured weed and the loss of that would kill me to intentionally do it to the buds