does anyone else think guns should be banned?

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Well-Known Member
Only Commies want guns banned...I'm sorry. Responsible gun owners aren't out committing crimes. People with legal/registered firearms aren't committing crimes. It's the people with unregistered, stolen firearms who are committing the majority of gun crime. So why would you punish the normal hardworking citizen who simply wants to protect himself and his family? Why? Because you're a fucking COMMIE!


Well-Known Member
So ok guys...

I live in CA.

I'm not 21 yet, and if I heard right if I'm under
21 I can't get a hand held pistol.

What other gun can I buy for my first gun?

How much to shot guns cost?

How much are rifles?
(an estimate is fine)
I'm not sure about California, but I believe you should be able to purchase a long gun. A pump action shotgun would do nicely. There's nothing like that distinctive 'click-clack' to strike fear in any predator.

For more information on your particular state laws, go to GOA. It's like NORML for supporters of the 2nd Amendment. A pit bull compared to the NRA's lap dog. gunownersdotorg


Well-Known Member
Only Commies want guns banned...I'm sorry. Responsible gun owners aren't out committing crimes. People with legal/registered firearms aren't committing crimes. It's the people with unregistered, stolen firearms who are committing the majority of gun crime. So why would you punish the normal hardworking citizen who simply wants to protect himself and his family? Why? Because you're a fucking COMMIE!

Now now there biggravy....

you know name calling isn't allowed.

I don't want you to get banned. Because I like your discussions and
your help here on RIU.


Well-Known Member
Now now there biggravy....

you know name calling isn't allowed.

I don't want you to get banned. Because I like your discussions and
your help here on RIU.

lol...I'm sorry but all these freedom hating liberals are starting to erk me. Maybe when we're all walking around in matching dickies jumpsuits, eating government mandated food rations, and sipping on Victory gin these idiots be happy.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about California, but I believe you should be able to purchase a long gun. A pump action shotgun would do nicely. There's nothing like that distinctive 'click-clack' to strike fear in any predator.

For more information on your particular state laws, go to GOA. It's like NORML for supporters of the 2nd Amendment. A pit bull compared to the NRA's lap dog. gunownersdotorg
You know, its weird because I've really always liked
the clicking noise in movies. lol. It always means somethings about

to go down. thank you for the links.

lol...I'm sorry but all these freedom hating liberals are starting to erk me. Maybe when we're all walking around in matching dickies jumpsuits, eating government mandated food rations, and sipping on Victory gin these idiots be happy.

I know. I don't understand why someone would want to give
up a birth right. (US birth right)


How much to shot guns cost?

How much are rifles?
(an estimate is fine)
Yeah you can get a shot gun from any where between 150 and 500+. Rifles more or less the same. That's funny how you can buy a 12 gauge at the age of 18 and not a hand gun. Our CA govt. says that when we turn 18 we are allowed to carry a fire arm that can take down a water buffalo, but we're not allowed to carry a pistol. I know it's because of the concealable factor. It's harder to hide a shot gun than a pistol. But if your intent is to kill someone then a shot gun will do just fine no matter how old you are. Ya know, get all stealthy with that shot gun, put a supressor on the end of that bitch like the guy from, "No Country For Old Men." 'What shot gun? I didn't hear a shot gun.'

Yeeeaaaahhh... So if our lovely state is ever over runned by water buffalo, then thank god every one 18-20 has a shot gun because, damn , that could have been a close one.:wall:


Well-Known Member
Yeah you can get a shot gun from any where between 150 and 500+. Rifles more or less the same. That's funny how you can buy a 12 gauge at the age of 18 and not a hand gun. Our CA govt. says that when we turn 18 we are allowed to carry a fire arm that can take down a water buffalo, but we're not allowed to carry a pistol. I know it's because of the concealable factor. It's harder to hide a shot gun than a pistol. But if your intent is to kill someone then a shot gun will do just fine no matter how old you are. Ya know, get all stealthy with that shot gun, put a supressor on the end of that bitch like the guy from, "No Country For Old Men." 'What shot gun? I didn't hear a shot gun.'

Yeeeaaaahhh... So if our lovely state is ever over runned by water buffalo, then thank god every one 18-20 has a shot gun because, damn , that could have been a close one.:wall:
OMG, that guy was awesome with the concealer. I was fuck yeah, I want one of those. But aren't all silencers illegal?

The concealable factor.....


We should be able to defend ourselves wherever we are.


Thats basically what they're saying right?


Well-Known Member
shit is there really any reason to keep this thread open?

it's been overwhelmingly proved that we need to have our 2nd amendment rights, guns don't kill people, the fucked up situations people deal with kill people . . . .

so essentially, this debate is only going to yield more ridiculous inaccurate opinions that kill our freedom. so maybe we should end this thread on the note that we need to keep our 2nd amendment right or we will eventually lose all our freedom.


Well-Known Member
OMG, that guy was awesome with the concealer. I was fuck yeah, I want one of those. But aren't all silencers illegal?

The concealable factor.....


We should be able to defend ourselves wherever we are.


Thats basically what they're saying right?

Sad thing Is I used to be liberal. That is until I got slapped by the hand of reality. We need less and less reform. We need to get back to governing ourselves. People are regressing because they're not thinking for themselves. If we were free and independent the way we're supposed to be I think we'd be alot better off.


Well-Known Member
Hi mate ,cars aren't made to kill though,guns are.

Iv only read as far as page three,hopefully ill have a bit more to say after i read a bit further,lol.


inanimate objects are incapable of killing. The weilder is the one responsible for the act. Guns don't kill people...People kill people. If there were no guns, they'd use whatever else was available. Next authorities will be chopping off people's hands because they use them to choke the shit outta people.


inanimate objects are incapable of killing. The weilder is the one responsible for the act. Guns don't kill people...People kill people. If there were no guns, they'd use whatever else was available. Next authorities will be chopping off people's hands because they use them to choke the shit outta people.

Yea may be,not always though. I suppose its to late anyway to ban guns as there are to many available to criminals,therefore some protection would be nice.

Is it true that in America anyone(an adult with ID) can just walk into a gun store & buy a gun? (just something iv heard)



Well-Known Member
Get over yourself OP. You forget, this is a message board on the internet, for crying out loud. If your skin is that thin, I suggest you cancel your internet subscription and maybe take up stamp collecting. And of course you can open a can of electronic whoop-ass on me, you're not looking me in the eye. I just realized you weren't an American, therefor your lack of knowledge of my history. How about you worry about England/Ireland and let us Americans worry about ourselves. Typical.


Well-Known Member
And why would you start a post that you know is going to spark some hot debate in a good-time forum like toke-n-talk? Wouldn't this be better suited in the political forum where you can expect opposition? You should really be more careful where you post.


Well-Known Member
So ok guys...

I live in CA.

I'm not 21 yet, and if I heard right if I'm under
21 I can't get a hand held pistol.

What other gun can I buy for my first gun?

How much to shot guns cost?

How much are rifles?
(an estimate is fine)
I would suggest for a first-timer, to get a .22 rifle. They are great little target practice guns and a good introduction. You can get a descent one for around 150 bucks, add another 50 if you want a scope. If you are looking more for protection and can't get a pistol, then go with a shotgun. A twenty gauge pump is sufficient.

Also, take a gun/hunting safety course if you haven't done so.


Well-Known Member
Yea may be,not always though. I suppose its to late anyway to ban guns as there are to many available to criminals,therefore some protection would be nice.

Is it true that in America anyone(an adult with ID) can just walk into a gun store & buy a gun? (just something iv heard)

In most states including Ohio you need a background check which takes about 20 minutes. Basically the gun store rep calls an FBI number with your info to make sure you aren't a felon or security risk. You cannot buy a gun from out of state and have it shipped to you without a federal firearms license. Some states have a waiting period for pistols 48 hours which is a "cool down" period so if you have a bad day at work and you want to shoot everyone it gives you the chance to rethink what you might do. Don't quote on this though.

Owning a gun is a serious responsibility not to be taken lightly. Before owning one I thought to myself if someone broke in my house and I owned a gun I would shoot them without hesitating. Now that I own a rifle I hope I never find myself in a situation like that. Taking a life is never a minor deal even when it's the life of a criminal threatening yours, It would be a heavy burden to live with. With that said if ANYONE including a gov official tried to take my gun away there would be hell to pay, I'm not the only one who feels this way either. Until then I'll just have some fun shooting clay disks.
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