does anyone ever get the urge


Well-Known Member
To smoke mids when you have some kush or something.

when I have really good weed mids dont even cross my mind.

but friends of mine either one complain that the weed is too powerful... <-I dont belive in such nonsense.

or want to mix half good half mid.

When im just like... fuckit roll up a 50$ blunt

Why must people persist in this lol.. mids throws off the taste and the buzz... they claim to get higher from the mix but i really think thier being jews... :fire: BURNNNNNNNNNNN

Ps. not hatin on any jews ... but yall are greedy


Well-Known Member
New chris rock hbo special called
"Kill the Messenger"

I cant wait for
That shit right thur


Well-Known Member
In 2008, Rock's family history was profiled on the pbs series african american lives2. A DNA test showed that he is descended from the Udeme people of northern Cameroon and that he is 20% Caucasian.

Who woulda thunk


Well-Known Member
In 2008, Rock's family history was profiled on the pbs series african american lives2. A DNA test showed that he is descended from the Udeme people of northern Cameroon and that he is 20% Caucasian.

Who woulda thunk
That's not so surprising. Most Black folks are mixed. Rather substantially despite the abundance in pigmentation.


Well-Known Member
i know a couple old rednecks who would rather smoke scwag then dank i dont believe mids exist anymore at least not compared to what used to be "mids" all tjhe mids i see now are just schwag thats not brown but i gave this old redneck ive known my whole life i big stick of sweet tooth and he said he got so high playin poker he got nauseas nd had to lay down he prefers regular old dirt weed cuz its not so strong

he also used to insist that old n strains ie maui wowie or columbian gold or whatever the fuck is the best ever until i broke him off that time ;)


Well-Known Member
That shit was good... but todays kush an purp is just hybrid stronger relatives.. an is WAY better!

an real mids do exist. ! lol Like the golden brown popcorn nugs with maybe 6 seeds in an 8th... that shits the bomb 80$ an O too