Does Anyone Know A FOREIGNER Busted For GROWING????


Active Member
Got a friend who got busted for growing.

Is he pretty much getting deported? He's a green card and married here in the states.


Well-Known Member
He's a green card?...well put him in your pocket

edit: he will make it me kno people that have.


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like he has the wrong card. Green card doesn't mean you can grow.
I would think if convected most states would sentence him rather then deport him.


Well-Known Member
green card can be revoked, citizenship can't... they will convict him, and after he serves his time, he will immediately be deported. his ass is toast.. might as well try to get bail and fucking flee. straight bizounce! holla!


Well-Known Member
if hes married to a white women, no he wont get sent back.
And possibility he can get sent back beacuse in america they are blamming hispanic for being the cause that obama is president,not true.


Well-Known Member
blacks are the highest,asians always look for job,indians 2,hispanics u know they know to work,whites yeah but there is some that dont like 2, blacks is know for not working for a company u know what i mean they maybe work like in the streets jacking n stuff.