Does Anyone Sog or Scrog Indica Dominant Strains?


Well-Known Member
I love SOG, it is what I do. So far I have several years of experience growing this way, but it has only been with two strains. WW and AK47, both of which are a indica / sativa mix. I am going to start a new strain soon and want to do some type of kush, which will be mostly if not all indica.

I am worried about the giant fan leaves, as my current method includes 4 plants per sq. foot. If anyone has grown kush or any indica strains in a SOG or SCROG please share your experience here.:peace::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if your going Indica or Kush then the over all size of the plants are going to be shorter and maybe a screen is not your best option. I have grown scrog style several times with hydrids and when I mixed in some purple kush the plants didn't need training. The other thing I can tell you is if you want that single massive cola and take it vertically a couple feet then Master Kush is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
I had my eye on DNA's Cataract, but I will checkout the Tahoe and the Master Kush also. My biggest question is if I will still be able to have 4 plants per sq. foot with really big fan leaves? I was looking at grow journals of some of the strains I was thinking about and the fan leaves were as big as the guys hand.
Plus rep to you both.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with big fan leaves man. Makes for fat buds.
Just as long as you can keep air moving you're fine.

SCROG style you pull all the lower stuff under the screen yeah cause its not getting any light and either gonna die or not amount to much but here you will get reflected light.