does anyone wanna get online with the xbox 360


Well-Known Member
dude...does this look like a place where people come to play video games online??? ITS A FUCKING DOPE GROWING FORUM!! fuckin homo


Well-Known Member
dude we all don't just sit around on these fuckin forums all day and dream of bein a fuckin pot head you stupid ass. theres more to life then just pot


Well-Known Member
so then why are you here?? They have forums for everything...INCLUDING X-BOX...Its not about being a big pot head. I don't even smoke weed. I'm just a cultivator. Why smoke when you can produce and provide? In case you havn't realized almost everyone on here is talking about weed. HENCE WHY THIS FORUM IS CALLED "GENERAL MARIJUANA GROWING" NOT "WANNA PLAY x-BOX"


Well-Known Member
Ya and this website is for producing for personal use. alot of people on here don't grow to sell. ass hole, and plus i see threads all the time about whats ur favorite tv show and movies and music. damn im just asking if some people want to do something else till there plant finishes Fuckin A


Well-Known Member
damn i can deff. tell dopeyG does not smoke.
Chill out guys xbox live happens to be a great pass time while stoned. Granted, maybe this is the wrong section to post this thread but i honestly did not expect to see that "im an e-bamf" on rollitup.

And dude, id totally play you but I rock call of duty 4



Well-Known Member
Who says its for personal use??? YOU? HA!! Your the webmaster now are ya?? I'm not against X-box 360 yes it is a great thing to do while stoned but fuck this isn't the place is all i'm saying. And i can grow my dope and do anytthing i want to do with it. who says i sell it??? Maybe i grow it for hobby and give it to my work buddies. I'm not a fuckin sit at home and grow dope 24-7 loser, i'm a fuckin work-a-holic roofer. I don't need to sell my weed, i make plenty of cash as it is. I enjoy to grow it and my friends enjoy to smoke it. Win win situation. They get free dope and i get pleasure out of growing it. As for smoking i'm not a never smoke kind of person, i smoke once in a while. smoked on thursday actually. But you realize how much better it is to think straight and enjoy life not being stoned all the time. Believe me i used to be a chronic smoke dope 24-7. Its not a life.


Well-Known Member
aright grow that shit up and chill out damn. at least we still have jobs right? grow on good luck. u can check my grow journal and give me some tips later if you want. About the xbox thing i was just checkin to see if anyone wanted to do something diff.


Well-Known Member
Ya man just everyone chill. Isn't there a place on this forum for a thread like this and just move it into there?


Well-Known Member
Lol i gotcha it just caught my eye while i was scrolling thru. Kinda annoyed me is all. You just struck me as some lame ass kid who is all about the video games and shit. Tryin to quit smoking the cigarettes too so my level of being annoyed by small things is a bit higher than normal i would guess. I'm pretty over it now. Must be the cigarretes...or lack of. I'll be sure to check out your journal as well.


Well-Known Member
i gave a few infractions out for insulting fellow members. now i will simply move this to toke-in-talk.

i'm a PS2 guy myself. :hump:
i'm smart enough that i have learned how to take care of myself respectfully AND play video games all day. nee ner. nee ner. :)


Well-Known Member
gaming and smoking go hand and hand,... PS3 is my shit! (i have xbox360 too)!! MADDEN is the best game ever! YEAH BOYYYYYY!

GO STEELERS!:joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
Man halo is the shit when your stoned off your ass. I at first was a ps2 guy untill house got broken into and they for some reason only took all my shit then later on down the line got a xbox360. Man i don't even no what is up with my live i had it way longer then i was supposed to.


Well-Known Member
i defo think the first reply to this thread was a bit out of order, this section is not about growing. if you want to talk about growing go to the growing section. this is where you toke and talk shit! i play c0d5 on the ps3 if anyone wants to add me my psid is rambovanhardnut. i personally think smoking and gaming is the way forward! did anyone play worms? fucking great when theres a load of ya stoned off ya face playing!