Does anything like this exist?


Well-Known Member
So I was wondering if there's any kind of digital ph meter with compartments for ph up and ph down that could like automatically dispense them when needed? Lol I know it's not that hard to do yourself but it would b cool to have a meter that released ph up and ph down whenever it needs it. All you'd have to do is set a ph lvl you want to maintain and keep an eye on it!


Ursus marijanus
I looked into this, but they don't come as plug&play units. They require external solenoids (to run acid/base dosers) that aren't supplied, and even then they cost about a thousand. cn


Active Member
You are looking pH dosers/controllers. There are a few on the market but be prepared to shell out anywhere from £100-£600.

dwc rebel

yes things like that do exist, but they are pricey. if the Ph is changing so much something could be wrong. what nutrients are you using?


Active Member
Wholesale pool supplies! Pools got some mad setups. Go check out some pump rooms at ur local park, its pretty bad ass.


Well-Known Member
This is Awesome. Does everything. Even rez changes. Doses up to 6 different nutrients along with PH up, and down with the expansion kit. Web cam plugin, and total control of your ENTIRE grow room from your cell phone, or PC anywhere in the world. Base price is 2500, and with expansion kit, and extra power control board you're looking at close to 4 grand, but you could literally set up somewhere and not have to visit your grow but once or twice to make sure shit is ok. I've been watching this thing for a while, and will definitely get one at some point.


Well-Known Member
God damn, I'm surprised they even have shit like that, don't think I'll be getting one any time soon though. Thanks for the replies you guys

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
People already mentioned that they do sell those, but they're expensive.

Are you getting big pH swings? A bigger reservoir and keeping bacteria at bay can help keep pH stable.


Well-Known Member
People already mentioned that they do sell those, but they're expensive.

Are you getting big pH swings? A bigger reservoir and keeping bacteria at bay can help keep pH stable.
Yeah, i was just wondering if there was anything that existed like that. They're all badass i dont have near enough cash to spend on one at the moment though, still like dreaming haha
and nah, no pH swings just curious as to what was out there. And either way thanks for the tip :bigjoint:

Bluelab makes the best products so if your gonna spend the $$$, do it right.
Hell yeah dude, thats the bomb. Haha, by the time I get the $$$ for some shit like this they'll probably have better ones out


Growtronix would be your best bet, as expensive as these other PH control systems, except it does so much more than automatic PH control.

Expect to spend over a thousand