does dimming a 1000w hortilux-blue impede plants or hurt light?

phantom digital makes light green on 60% and 75% is not quite blue yet. so please share with me what you have learned about this. best regards granny


Well-Known Member
On 60% you should be using a 600 watt bulb. On 75% a 750 watt bulb. Dimming your 1000 will only shorten its life and effectivness....
that sounds logical cowboy. should of known that.seems pretty obvious when you see the light.i guess i didnt get specific enough when asking salesman,even though it wouldnt of mattered.ive bought my last t5 bulb thats for sure.thanks alot,hydro company wont mind and niether will the girls.thanks again


Well-Known Member
Looks like your lights too close..........dimming is fine if you switch to the appropriate wattage bulb........

Long Dogg

why is dimming hard on the bulb?
i have a 600w dimmed to 50% for small plants until they get bigger when ill bump up the power.