Does my first dried bud look ok?


Well-Known Member
Ok so this is my very first grow, my plants havent been harvested yet, they have less than a week left though.
Anyways, I clipped this branch off to test out drying, and trimming and everything, and I just wanted to know if it looks like a normal bud should.
Its been drying for about four days, so it still has a little time left.
I know weed I have bought looks a lot more dense and squished together, but I thought maybe its just because its been packaged and shipped around.
But I'm not sure since I dont know how to trim really, I just left the leaves with lots of crystals and trimmed the ones without.
So does this look ok, or is it too leafy?




Well-Known Member
If your smokin it all yourself then you did the right thing by leaving the sugar coated leaf bits on the bud,they get you high as hell.


Well-Known Member
its always best to remove big leaves and trim the small leaves so their wont be alot of cloriphil in the leaves which takes away the weed taste


Well-Known Member
So I should trim all of the leaves even if they are crystallized, or is how I did it how its supposed to be trimmed?


Well-Known Member
It's up to you, I get really anal and trim out all the little leaves with hair-dressers scissors so my ol' lady has them for cooking, but you can just leave them on and smoke them. Those crystals are full of THC after all.


Well-Known Member
Looks tasty! smoke a massive bowl for me! :weed: them trics nd them sugar coated leafs will get you mashed!

:peace: :.:.:.:.: Peace! Enjoy! :.:.:.:.: :peace:


Well-Known Member
Clip them or keep them, its a preference decision. Do what you want to do, there is no harm either way.


Well-Known Member
clipping all the leaves is known as the "connoisseur cut". The reason it is called this is because the leaves are pretty harsh and don't taste good. They do however get you high so if you don't want to clean cut your bud - save all the trich-covered leaves and make hash. if you have the money to invest in bubblebags - it is VERY easy to make some beautiful hash - just ask FDD!


Well-Known Member
clipping all the leaves is known as the "connoisseur cut". The reason it is called this is because the leaves are pretty harsh and don't taste good. They do however get you high so if you don't want to clean cut your bud - save all the trich-covered leaves and make hash. if you have the money to invest in bubblebags - it is VERY easy to make some beautiful hash - just ask FDD!
hey email :)
Where can i find bubble bags? I was looking for this for a while, but thier site is down...

Btw ur bud looks like mine.. i left the leaves on.. and if you flushed well, its not going to be harsh at all :)


Well-Known Member
Clip the leaves and leave them to keep curing while you smoke the bud. Once they cure for long enough they won't be harsh.


Well-Known Member
hey email :)
Where can i find bubble bags? I was looking for this for a while, but thier site is down...

Btw ur bud looks like mine.. i left the leaves on.. and if you flushed well, its not going to be harsh at all :)
i do two trimmings - one quick right after harvest (the pics of them hanging) and a second more thorough trimming (in the jar) but i'm not nutty about it. Some leaf isn't going to hurt me :mrgreen:

Their site is up .. - Buy Bubble Bags, Hemp Hoodlambs and Vaporizers

You can get them on eBay but here is a direct seller...


Well-Known Member
I trimmed mine much like yours mattman and dried and cured it's still smoother than anything I have smoked purchased.


Well-Known Member
i like to save the leaves just because they will get you high... this way if i am ever out o weed i have a "backup" stash, not what i would share with my millionaire friends but enough to have a good time..... or give it to friends as a gift


Active Member
DON'T trim anymore... those aren't huge buds, im guessing u got an alright yield but don't waste it , so wat if theres silver on ur gold its still valuable. Why lose weight, if every bit gets u high?... unless ur gonna raise the price.
ps.juz don't sell me seeds n stem or fan leaves, cuz thats a fight.

n yea everythign i say is true niggaz