Does smoking seeds lower sperm count


Well-Known Member
I just cut my plant but she is a hermie and i cut her before the seeds would be big enough to seperate from the bud. So i have two questions.

Will smoking seeds lower your sperm count forever and if i made brownies would it make any diffrence. Good bud though 1 hit and im good


Well-Known Member
Smoking seeds will not effect your sperm count, but they taste bad and have no THC so people avoid smoking them.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
They're absolrbed into the blood system and then block up your penis.

Think it's all just scare mongering haha, i found with my hermie that had seeds that wouldn't just fall out, if i ground it up gently, then it was a fairly easy process of removing the seeds from the ground up bud :)

Brick Top

New Member
The only way it will lower your sperm count is if it makes you hack, cough, choke and puke until you've puked out your guts and your nuts. That would leave you with a sperm count of nill.