Does THC inside cookies increase over time?

So I had a tumor in my brain stem that was partially removed years ago but left me with some balance issues, morning sickness and worst of all a general numb feeling in the left side of my body/head. I had smoked weed for a few years when I was 20 (35 now) and although more than 50% of my friends smoke weed I just never got back into it. Recently some of my friends made an "intervention" during a weekend trip and asked me to take a drag before going to bed. So of course no morning sickness the next day, long story short now I have a vaporizer and I had been doing a bit before bed but not really getting ultra high.

So recently I had about a gram and a half of good above average stuff left and I needed an edible form to have on a trip; my sister put that into a stick of butter, got it boiling, filtered the weed out, etc. She made about 24 oatmeal raisin cookies with that but I had 1 cookie and felt nothing, 2 the next day - nothing, 4 the day after - nothing. Since they technically "didn't work" my dad had 2, my sister 2, my mom had 1 and pretty much the only feedback I got was from my dad telling me how well he slept so I figured the cookies were too weak.

That was 2 weeks ago, so the cookies stayed in a cookie can for that time and this last Friday I found them after lunch and well even with no THC they were good cookies so I had 6, I ate the last one at 4PM and at 11PM I felt the highness start to subside. I couldn't play computer games, read a book (I would forget what I had just read), couldn't follow a movie on TV but I felt like the smartest person on earth, you know just give the unanswered mysteries of the universe and I'll solve those for ya while I brush my teeth. Needless to say I was very very very very very high, borderline having a bad trip high.

So how come the cookies got stronger after 2 weeks?

My sister got a bit high yesterday with just 1 and I was there when they were made, everything was mixed properly using a KitchenAid mixer, the dough for the cookies was picked randomly and put on the baking sheet and when they were done they were slid into a metal can, and the ones that fell into the can first (last to be eaten) have exponentially more THC?

The good news, after 3 years of having to deal with the numbness and feeling very similar over time, come this last Saturday the left side of my face feels less numb and part of my foot as well.
All this overnight so really amazing positive effects from being really high but now I'm afraid of those cookies. If I hadn't trained myself to combat morning sickness during the last 3 years I would have probably thrown up.


Well-Known Member
uhmm, i dont think a gram and 1/2 split 24 ways would get a fly high. not saying you didnt but it just doesn't add up. if edibles are working though, keep it up....peace
While curing out your cookies may be the next best thing, I would assume most of of your material went into only a handful of cookies.
While curing out your cookies may be the next best thing, I would assume most of of your material went into only a handful of cookies.
Yeah, that's what most of my friends said but I saw the mixing and well it was very well mixed. Anyone ever made cookies or cake and ended up with parts or pieces that where more concentrated?


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear ya have gone thru what ya have and KUDU's to your buddies to get you to try this stuff!
The normal does for a new medible user is .25 g of decarbed bud.. each person will react and have different effects to the medibles

THC binds to fats and oils or alcohol over time and heat.. so yes the thc COULD still be binding to the fats after time.. The only time I had a larger dose (read OVER DOSE) meaning more of a dose then I wanted was on an aged firecracker (30 days old)

new users of medibles need to look at decarbing the weed as well.. this will increase the thc-cbn-cbd in the plant.

fwiw.. I too learned the hard way as did my older brother.. too much ingested sucks... dont fear the plant or its effects as it is not possible to actually OD on this stuff but Lorn knows I thought I was...

start slow on each recipe you make each plant has a different thc-cbnd-cbd content

for cosistancy I would use hash .. that way you know 1g of hash is 1g of hash where as 10g of bud could be more then 1g of hash or less

Hash use ratio is .7-.15g per edibles making 30 cookies you need 4.5g hash
I'm not even sure what decarbing means, I guess it means cooking/heating it.
I met a guy yesterday who makes his own gelattos and has an ice cream shop, an actual business. A while back he started trying figure out a way to integrate weed into his ice creams.

According to him, the only proper way to make canna-butter is 2 days of very low heat simmering and with butter having the tendency to burn its quite tricky. He says that canna-butter made after only an hour of simmering will give you a bad extraction rate and therefore you will need a lot of weed per stick of butter to get you high. The canna-butter FAQ talks about 20-30 grams per stick of butter but only about 2-4 is necessary if made the right way but there's a better method.

When I asked him about my cookies getting stronger, he said he knew why. The human body has a harder time absorbing THC molecules from improperly made canna-butter but after 15-30 days the THC inside cookies would start to break down into smaller easier to absorb molecules and that's why a 30 day cookie is gonna hit way harder than eating one straight out of the oven. So instead of suffering through many hours of watching over butter you could just make a tray of cookies with just 2-4 grams of weed and store them for 30 days before eating them. That would explain why your firecracker got really strong.

For his ice cream he found that the leaves are more stable and predictable so he grinds them up into a fine powder and toasts the powder as if it were coffee beans, then he adds it to whatever food he's eating be it food or desserts. The ice cream looks like it fell on some dirt and that's the way you eat it. For a large cake he uses 10 tablespoons in the mix but says that 1 tablespoon is enough for 3-4 people. For 1 person that is not particularly resistant to THC a pinch of the powder spread over the food is enough.

So smoke the buds and grind the leaves and that's perhaps why hash is recommended too.
The guy also said he was glad to help, all his customers are recreational users and he said it was nice to help someone who actually needed it and to let him know how it went and if I needed more ice cream or powder.


Well-Known Member
2 days cooking butter? I heard it went south after 24 hours? which is why I use olive oil now..

him toasting the leaves is decarboxilzation.

increasing the thca to thc and the cbn-cbn levels as well.


Well-Known Member
Here's my own recipie I call it:
Start with 7-9 grams Bud
Grind with hand grinder and Decarb Bud (Seal in Aluminum foil 15 mins at 220* in oven)
Add to 2 cups whole milk in sauce pan Add Bud..

Bring Mix to rolling boil stirring 24/7 for 10 mins.
Remove from heat and strain (I use a re-useable coffee strainer)
Add 4 tsps sugar and 1/4 tsp Nut Meg.
A Hard dose is 1 oz. (1/4 cup)
Allow 1 hour before next dose if needed.
If it is too strong cut with Whole Milk.