Does the expansion of settlements hinder the peace process?


Ursus marijanus
You sure your not talking about yourself?
For all his love of forty-seven syllables where three will do, I have not once witnessed Dr. engage in this sort of intellectual dishonesty, with especial emphasis on points 1 and 2. You're free to contemn him for his positions, but at least they're defined and not a moving target. He will stand and fight his territory.

If you are serious with that accusation , you are either disingenuous or not paying close attention. Either disqualifies from proper debate. cn

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You sure your not talking about yourself?

"I know you are, but what am I?

wow that is really easy to do, now i see why abandonintellect loves that so much. it requires almost as little thought as your comments.

There you go again, belittling people.
again, if you want to feel less litttle, then EMBIGGEN YOURSELF with cogent and logical responses, or even, dare i say it, knowing how the pallies actually operate.

your facile and gullible nature (or your despicable duplicity) has resulted in your complete inability to recognize that israel is the country within borders established in 1948, and expanded through victory in defensive war, and does not include the Occupied territories.

individuals living in the Occupied Territories are not israelis, and thus are not suffering from apartheid, no matter how hard the dingbats on the radical left try to cast it as such.

israel, as a nation has the right to defend itself against attacks, much in the way the US would if the Zappatista marxists in mexico started shelling southern california, texas and new mexico

when hardline pallies talk of palestine israel does not exist in their verbal construct. all of the levant is "palestine" and they imagine the jews have all gone back to poland germany czechoslovakia, russia, and whatever other nation, save for a tiny, easy to oppress minority

when the hardline israelies talk if israel they mean all of historic israel, which contains large portions of what is now epypt, syria and jordan, and all the pallies are deported back to the various nations they came from, except for a large minority, which is currently 20% if israel';s population

even the wildest most inflammatory israeli doesnt want to push every arab into the sea, but the reverse sentiment is terribly common, which neatly illustrates why your naive comments are so sophomoric.

hamas (which is currently the RULING PARTY in the palestinian authority) fatah (the second most popular party in the palestinian authority) hezzbollah, and all the rest do not want peace, save the peace you find when the opposition are entirely eliminated and all of "palestine" is under moslem theocratic domination. you may be unaware of this fact, but if you are, that just shows you are ill-equipped to discuss this matter with grownups, but most likely you DO know this, and are either naively assuming once the israelis negotiate a peace with the "palestinians" (who will they negotiate with? hamas is in charge of the pallies government) hamas and hezzbollah will vanish and trouble the world no more, or, more likely, you dont give a fuck, and if hamaas and hezzbollah want to continue lobbing rockets from hospital roofs, stuffing bombs in retarded kid's backpacks or planting car bombs, well thats just fine with you, as long as the israelis dont retaliate. cuz fighting back is bullying and bullying is wrong.

your position rests entirely on the assumption that the israelis are bloodthirsty butchers, and pallies are always innocent victims, or "both sides are wrong" but of couse the israelis are "wronger" because the pallies dont have a chance and thats not fair.

the pallies DONT HAVE A CHANCE. if israel wanted them all dead they would be. but the israelis have been playing patty-cake for 60 years. thats why theres so much uproar when israel "invades" gaza or the west bank in response to rocket atacks, or a bombing or a kidnapping. it's unusual! abandonintellect would love to create the impression that israeli soldiers are goosestepping down the tree lined streets of once-pleasant gaza, abusing passing children, burning down mosques, raping women, and kicking puppies, but it's a LIE

he would alsio like to create the illusion that evil mean ol zionists are kicking arab farmers off their farms that they been farming since 500bc, but thats also a LIE

“It is made quite clear to all, both by the map drawn up by the Simpson Commission and by another compiled by the Peel Commission, that the Arabs are as prodigal in selling their land as they are in useless wailing and weeping” ~Abdullah, king of Jordan



New Member

"I know you are, but what am I?

wow that is really easy to do, now i see why abandonintellect loves that so much. it requires almost as little thought as your comments.

again, if you want to feel less litttle, then EMBIGGEN YOURSELF with cogent and logical responses, or even, dare i say it, knowing how the pallies actually operate.

your facile and gullible nature (or your despicable duplicity) has resulted in your complete inability to recognize that israel is the country within borders established in 1948, and expanded through victory in defensive war, and does not include the Occupied territories.

individuals living in the Occupied Territories are not israelis, and thus are not suffering from apartheid, no matter how hard the dingbats on the radical left try to cast it as such.

israel, as a nation has the right to defend itself against attacks, much in the way the US would if the Zappatista marxists in mexico started shelling southern california, texas and new mexico

when hardline pallies talk of palestine israel does not exist in their verbal construct. all of the levant is "palestine" and they imagine the jews have all gone back to poland germany czechoslovakia, russia, and whatever other nation, save for a tiny, easy to oppress minority

when the hardline israelies talk if israel they mean all of historic israel, which contains large portions of what is now epypt, syria and jordan, and all the pallies are deported back to the various nations they came from, except for a large minority, which is currently 20% if israel';s population

even the wildest most inflammatory israeli doesnt want to push every arab into the sea, but the reverse sentiment is terribly common, which neatly illustrates why your naive comments are so sophomoric.

hamas (which is currently the RULING PARTY in the palestinian authority) fatah (the second most popular party in the palestinian authority) hezzbollah, and all the rest do not want peace, save the peace you find when the opposition are entirely eliminated and all of "palestine" is under moslem theocratic domination. you may be unaware of this fact, but if you are, that just shows you are ill-equipped to discuss this matter with grownups, but most likely you DO know this, and are either naively assuming once the israelis negotiate a peace with the "palestinians" (who will they negotiate with? hamas is in charge of the pallies government) hamas and hezzbollah will vanish and trouble the world no more, or, more likely, you dont give a fuck, and if hamaas and hezzbollah want to continue lobbing rockets from hospital roofs, stuffing bombs in retarded kid's backpacks or planting car bombs, well thats just fine with you, as long as the israelis dont retaliate. cuz fighting back is bullying and bullying is wrong.

Israel is in part to blame for Hezbollah and the Israeli security apparatus are as much "terrorists" as the Palestinians. You're no different to any other religious whackjob claiming ownership of a land based on a stupid fucking book and portraying your actions as "justified".

Since 1920, 3,722 Israelis have been killed as a result of Palestinian Terrorism

Since 2000, 2,313 Palestinians (combatants) have been killed by Israeli security forces

Since 2000, 1,373 Palestinian minors have been killed by Israeli security forces

Since 2000, 3,121 Palestinians civilians (non-combatants) have been killed by Israeli security forces

Walls of text dripping in radical right wing garbage is all that you're capable of... When you and abe aren't playing "feltch foxman" do you two driving round beating up "moslems" for beer money?


Well-Known Member
Israel has had enough support to stand on its own and conduct espionage against those who support it. Israel is real, what more support does it need?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Israel is in part to blame for Hezbollah and the Israeli security apparatus are as much "terrorists" as the Palestinians. You're no different to any other religious whackjob claiming ownership of a land based on a stupid fucking book and portraying your actions as "justified".

Since 1920, 3,722 Israelis have been killed as a result of Palestinian Terrorism

Since 2000, 2,313 Palestinians (combatants) have been killed by Israeli security forces

Since 2000, 1,373 Palestinian minors have been killed by Israeli security forces

Since 2000, 3,121 Palestinians civilians (non-combatants) have been killed by Israeli security forces

Walls of text dripping in radical right wing garbage is all that you're capable of... When you and abe aren't playing "feltch foxman" do you two driving round beating up "moslems" for beer money?
brief artless comments stuffed with un-sourced statistics provide nothing but an outlet for your holocaust denial.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Israel has had enough support to stand on its own and conduct espionage against those who support it. Israel is real, what more support does it need?
and the pallies have ample support from the moslem world, more than sufficient to stand on their own, and conduct sabotage, murder and infiltration on anyone they chose.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
If you say anything against israel at least 90%

at least 90% what?

giant pictures with little words doesnt make YOUR position clear, it simply re-publishes what somebody else says.

if you want to express an opinion you gotta use your words, but it has to be YOUR words not just pithy quotes and slogans from others.

dont let abandonintellect drag you into his shitty "debate style"

say what you mean and mean what you say or keep it to yourself.

if yoiu wish to opine that "palestine is 100% of the levant and israel is an illegal criminal zionist regime, which should be lifted/cleansed form the pages of time", SAY SO
if you think both sides should have their ears twisted until they sit down and sort out their fucking bullshit, then SAY SO
if you think the pallies have been twisting the press around their little finger with fabricated gunfights, fake atrocities, and fake funerals for people who arent even dead just to gin up sympathy in the world press, then SAY SO

as it stands now ill anyone can really say is your opposed to israel. we dont even know if you are opposed to israel's perceived over-reaction to "minor inconveniences" like random rocket attacks and suicide bombs, or if you are opposed to israels existence as a nation.

if you cant take a position, nobody will take you seriously.


New Member
brief artless comments stuffed with un-sourced statistics provide nothing but an outlet for your holocaust denial.
cant make a cogent argument?

Try Abandonintellect's Seven Point Plan:

1 : recast the opposition's statement as some absurd hateful bullshit that would make hitler blush

2 : make the same baseless allegations again, and use emotionally overwrought language implying genocide, apartheid and ethnic cleansing

3 : repeat your claims in as childish and petulant a manner as you can manage.

4 : repeat a bunch of tired slogans

5 : declare victory

6 : claim anyone who disagrees with your simpering and sniveling is a "holocaust denier" and report them to the mods.
Doesn't seem you can avoid the ADL playbook on how to defend a murderous regime. Israel should abide by UNSC resolution 242, since Israel and the US love enforcing resolutions of their own choosing. You yourself said previously justification for Iraq v2 lay partially in Saddams violation of UNSCR 1441. So Israel is exempt from security council resolutions, but not Iraq, Iran and so on? The settlements are illegal and human rights abuses are rife, but it’s all good because a religious book says so? While you claim they can’t stop killing each other, it’s seems the Israeli security apparatus has the same problem

All those "un-sourced" statistics come from;

Terrorism Against Israel: Comprehensive Listing of Fatalities -

Palestinian Fatalities -

When you look at the numbers you quickly realise Israel is just as guilty, as the people they accuse of terrorism.

Also your bullshit on the highest standards of living in the Arab world is pure fallacy to justify Israels ongoing terrorism of the Palestinians. Qatar, Kuwait and the UAE all have a higher standard of living than Israel, more ADL justification propaganda that proves to us all just what a "right wing radical" you are.

And for all your whinging and bitching about the lefts fiscal policy I've never seen you once advocate for a reduction in aid and spending to Israel considering the economic situation and the fact the $3b can be better spent on American citizens rather than pissing of the region showing how two faced and hypocritical the US can be.


New Member
at least 90% what?

giant pictures with little words doesnt make YOUR position clear, it simply re-publishes what somebody else says.

if you want to express an opinion you gotta use your words, but it has to be YOUR words not just pithy quotes and slogans from others.

dont let abandonintellect drag you into his shitty "debate style"

say what you mean and mean what you say or keep it to yourself.

if yoiu wish to opine that "palestine is 100% of the levant and israel is an illegal criminal zionist regime, which should be lifted/cleansed form the pages of time", SAY SO
if you think both sides should have their ears twisted until they sit down and sort out their fucking bullshit, then SAY SO
if you think the pallies have been twisting the press around their little finger with fabricated gunfights, fake atrocities, and fake funerals for people who arent even dead just to gin up sympathy in the world press, then SAY SO

as it stands now ill anyone can really say is your opposed to israel. we dont even know if you are opposed to israel's perceived over-reaction to "minor inconveniences" like random rocket attacks and suicide bombs, or if you are opposed to israels existence as a nation.

if you cant take a position, nobody will take you seriously.
You honestly are a piece of shit shill that has no use other than as cannon fodder. At least you know what it's like for the government to come in and just take your house and land.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Doesn't seem you can avoid the ADL playbook on how to defend a murderous regime. Israel should abide by UNSC resolution 242, since Israel and the US love enforcing resolutions of their own choosing. You yourself said previously justification for Iraq v2 lay partially in Saddams violation of UNSCR 1441. So Israel is exempt from security council resolutions, but not Iraq, Iran and so on? The settlements are illegal and human rights abuses are rife, but it’s all good because a religious book says so? While you claim they can’t stop killing each other, it’s seems the Israeli security apparatus has the same problem
so, when people who launch rockets from hospital roofs, stage carbombings in crowded markets, and stuff bombs into retarded kid's backpacks do violence, thats terrorism, but when the ONLY authority in the territory moves in to stamp out the assholes thats also terrorism, so the israelis should stop fighting back, because they are supposed to act like grownups, no matter how nefarious the opposition might be. brilliant.

All those "un-sourced" statistics come from;

Terrorism Against Israel: Comprehensive Listing of Fatalities -

Palestinian Fatalities -

When you look at the numbers you quickly realise Israel is just as guilty, as the people they accuse of terrorism.
wow, cause it would have been so difficult to include the source when you first squeezed that turd out.

Also your bullshit on the highest standards of living in the Arab world is pure fallacy to justify Israels ongoing terrorism of the Palestinians. Qatar, Kuwait and the UAE all have a higher standard of living than Israel, more ADL justification propaganda that proves to us all just what a "right wing radical" you are.
israel ranks #16 of the international Human Development Index
the highest ranked moslem country is #30 Brunai, and it's in Oceania you fool. the highest ranked moslem nation in the middle east/orient is #36, quatar.

and in the grand tradition of your unsourced claims, i wont even link tot he actual report, just the wikipage.

you really do suck at argument. all you really have is weak insults and the Btselem numbers which FYI i already showed you months ago double count incidents, and report people as dead who are in fact NOT deceased.

And for all your whinging and bitching about the lefts fiscal policy I've never seen you once advocate for a reduction in aid and spending to Israel considering the economic situation and the fact the $3b can be better spent on American citizens rather than pissing of the region showing how two faced and hypocritical the US can be.
yep. thats right israel should be the LAST foreign aid we cut

we got lotsa shit to cut before we get down to things which have value.

we could cut:

$800k for african ball washing
$200k annually for maintenance of a bridge in the california desert which goes nowhere and is not connected to any road
~$2.5million or so spent annually printing our ballots and government publications in every language known to man
~$1.5 BILLION annually we pay for the UN to tell us how naughty we are

and so on.

but it's not your money, so you dont even get a vote.