Does the female plant produce any seeds?

I know the male makes the seeds but Im giving my seeds to my friends to grow(hydrophonics) and in the end will their be any seeds in the buds so I can get my seeds back for my grow?


bud bootlegger
you'd need a male, or a hermie female, to produce pollen used to pollinated the female in order to get seeds...

plants are just like people in tons of things, so i always try to look at things from our perspective as i find a lot of similarites.. in people, how do we get babies, seeds, from? you got to have a male and a female to get seeds, or a hermie, but usually in humans hermies are a lot of times sterile, to get a baby..
seeds are the plants babies, or how they keep their genetic line alive for another chance at life.. :D


bud bootlegger
You have to admit , ^^^^^^ that's a good way to explain it !!!
lol, thanks clonex.. i find it to hold pretty true, and find a lot of things common with plants and people, especially when describing geetics and how things work, people seem to pick up on it better..


Well-Known Member
Racer,that's exactly how I explain it to ,no offense,noobs or novice growers and have yet to have anyone not understand