does this sound like it's feasable?


Active Member
ok thanks for the help i got from some of u with the transplanting it went smoothly and the babies are doing good
just put them into flowering a week and 5 days ago 1 female for sure so far!!my question is i have been reading everything on this website over the past couple of weeks and can't seem to find a straight answer so i'll ask the experts
1. i have a 24" shop light with 2 t8's it's a combined 34 watts plus i added an extra flourescent light with a 900 lumens rating and a 6500k temp color not sure what the lumens output is on the double light but it's friggin bright those 2 bulbs are cool white spectrum, i've read all over here that u can't use flouro's to flower(shouldn't say can't,more like not supposed to) according to what i have read on here i've got 5 babies going under those but b4 i started the flowering i was only using the shoplight and they have grown pretty good and sturdy i have been doin c02 and just started with the flower nutes my question is will this setup produce anything other then a waste of time because i'm really getting into this and am on a tight budget any and all oppionins and suggestions and help is all appreciated :bigjoint::-(:leaf:


New Member
it will be part of your learning no matter what turns out so its not a waste of time. plus if you grow it yourself it usually increases your enjoyments of it. i have seen some fairly impressive grows here for fluoros


Well-Known Member
I grew with t8 shop light all the way through i used 4 of them i veg with 6500k and switched to the 3000k for flowering.It was 1 plant and almost got 1 oz off it.You can keep the lights pretty close to the plant with out it burning so i myself don't think it would be a waste of time if that's all you got.


Well-Known Member
cant believe you supply them with co2 when that could be seen as an "advanced grower" tactic. but you havn't provided them with a hps.

not being disrespectful, just seems weird.


Well-Known Member
using a hps doesnt make u an advanced grower. sometimes hps just will not work with the grow space u have.


Active Member
cant believe you supply them with co2 when that could be seen as an "advanced grower" tactic. but you havn't provided them with a hps.

not being disrespectful, just seems weird.
i feel ya thing is i can make the co2 for cheap at home(sugar,water,yeast) and tube it cuz i have that stuff lying around i don't have $150.00 for a good hps


Well-Known Member
You don't have to spend $150 for HPS. A lot of people have had some good result with the $20 150w HPS (link provided below). It is true that everything you do now is a valuable in terms of what you learn but if you want a yield then you should consider investing in one of these. I honestly believe this will make all the difference. Happy growing!
click it twice if you have too


Active Member
using a hps doesnt make u an advanced grower. sometimes hps just will not work with the grow space u have.
u hit the nail right on the head i have a preety stealth grow setup but i also use the closet to holed my clothes lol i have it set up into a 3x3 sectiopn on the bottem of the closet,1 24" t8 dual bulb shop light running 6500k cool white 20 watt tubes, and 1 18" fish tank light with one 3000k warm white 18 watt tube, both fixtures are lined with reflective material and hung 2"s away from plants i have 4 total plants with 3 of them growing in a 12"x12" pot (didn't have time to transplant b4 roots intertwined it's ok tho they are still doing great,one confirmed female unknwon strain it's bagseed) also have a small 1 gallon sugar water yeast co2 setup with fish tank lines used for routing the c02 to the plants for ventilation i use a window fan blowing on them on medium speed for about 3-4 hrs a day,(stalks are as thick as a sharpie marker) and they are all about 9"s tall and today is offically the 2nd week of flowering. any other help or advice anyone can offer is more then appreciated pls don't hesitate i'm really enjoying watching them grow and i think i'm not that bad for a noob this is my first grow and i did alot of reaserch as i went along on this website so keep the help coming u guys are great


Well-Known Member Product/EProductDetail.asp? ProductFamilyID=7&FGNumber=E-MT6H151G

Sorry that the original link didn't work, this one does just delete the space where you find them. :) 15000 lumens of HPS goodness. You'll probably want to remove the glass covering, which removes about 10% of it, in addition to having a fan blowing on the bulb to keep the temperatures down. I can appreciate HPS isn't an option in every grow space but have a look and see if it is viable. I think it may be worth your while.


Well-Known Member
hps is ideal for flowering but not required.. u CAN flower with cfls but just know that the buds will be smaller and not as dense/tight, it will take longer to bud and you just wont yield as much.. the hps spectrum is ideal for flowering but the plant mainly just uses the energy from the light to flower so the real difference is the photon flux / energy (lumens).. there are things you can do to offset this though, drop the cfls as low as you can to the top of the plants without harming them and prune, prune away the leaves/branches that exist at the bottom/middle of the plant.. the cfl lumens will not reach those bottom nodes so those sites are just a waste of energy... top off the main stem in order to get two bud sites and lastly, try to use reflective material like mylar to bounce around and use all of the light (dont let precious lumens escape without getting absorbed by the plant). good luck