Doktor J, vancouver Island tripper


Well-Known Member
doktor J?

as an organik transformer, progressivly opening my heart and mind, creating art, and transforming bad energy into good is my purpose in this crazy and beautifully divine thing called life. i have followed my intuition right to this very point . and i'm never turning back. i have seen it all, with closed eyelids and a grin on my face. i have remixed my own religion, and untwisted the brainwash deep within my mind. once again, i am reborn, and aware of the matrix ever changing around me. infinite love, is from which i am born, lucidly manifesting my own magickally divine dreamzzz...namaste, doktor J.

Just a blurb from his website
I've followed his site for quite a few years now, and I've gotta say this guy is the shit.
He's got an interesting gallery of intense pys-art (just coined that phrase now) both original pieces and collaborations.

But what really gets me about this guy is his compilations of Chill ambient Music.
He has his original "Magik Mix" posted from 2001,

Also He's co-authored a track on Anahata's "Conduktor" Album "Vishnu"

Just thought I'd let RIU know about this Canadian guy who should be more well known. any other suggestions on Pys-trance meditative chill-out? bongsmilie