Dome germination method ?


my seeds germinated but not fully ive tried paper towel method and shot glass thing i saw a video on youtube were the guy uses jiffy peats ? but im using soil and put it into a food container and toped it and put it in my closet would it work?


Well-Known Member
sure, i dont use a dome at all but knock yourself out,starting right in the soil works great for me, any more complicated germination techniques are simply not necessary really but people seem to like to make things harder for themselves than they need to(im not talking bout you using a dome, i mean like the paper towel method and the starting in cubes and such.).
got a heat mat? a little warmth does wonders for germination, keyword there is little though, so dont put the container directly on the mat if youve got one, put the setting on low and then fold up a towel or something a few times and put the towel on the mat and the container on the towel.