Donald Trump for Prez


Well-Known Member
i have 5 senses, not two.

so you are claiming bush was dead since 2001 yet dubya chose to let the next guy spill the news?

presumably, thousands knew about this and yet no one told anyone anything?

interesting theory. and yes, it is a theory, not a fact. and it espouses a conspiracy, thus conspiracy theory.
I'm flattered you think i'm sitting around making up theories, when in reality i'm looking at reports over the years from government, and pointing out the contradictions and sharing them with others.
Somehow, in all that, your logic says i'm making theories up?!?! wow, ok, have a nice day, i cant talk to people like you, you clearly state your ignorance shamelessly.


Well-Known Member
I'm flattered you think i'm sitting around making up theories, when in reality i'm looking at reports over the years from government, and pointing out the contradictions and sharing them with others.
Somehow, in all that, your logic says i'm making theories up?!?! wow, ok, have a nice day, i cant talk to people like you, you clearly state your ignorance shamelessly.
no answers for the glaring questions?


Well-Known Member
am i missing something?
an explanation for why the sitting president at the time did not take credit for killing osama on his watch.

i mean, he did take credit for sadaam, right? and he was looking for any excuse to go to war, right? so why not tramp this one out?

also, you told me to have a nice day and tat you couldn't talk to me, but here we are. your story is changing again. which means it must be false, by your logic.


Well-Known Member
an explanation for why the sitting president at the time did not take credit for killing osama on his watch.

i mean, he did take credit for sadaam, right? and he was looking for any excuse to go to war, right? so why not tramp this one out?

also, you told me to have a nice day and tat you couldn't talk to me, but here we are. your story is changing again. which means it must be false, by your logic.
I don't know how many times i need to say it, but i guess ill say it once more, here."NOT MY STORY!"
Here is the tip of the iceberg for starers. Also much more beyond this as well.
1) No raid video. Fake Obama photo OP
2) Arabian Sea 700 miles away...priority shipping
3) 12 yr old says "Bin Laden" unarmed...US forced to admit
4) Pakistani neighbor sees chopper explode after troops reboard. Only chopper to land. He saw the whole thing.
5) Akhbar Han was in the new video. Not Bin Laden. Confirmed by local citizens
6) Neighbors had never seen Bin Laden.
Confirmed by a multitude of legit sources.

Since you seem like you don't intend on ending this conversation or admitting your wrong.
I can continue to stay on here all Sunday afternoon, and school you, becasue im in the mood, and i am confident with the arsenal of information i have.
I can sit here and spit facts all day. "'"^_^"'"

Oh and to answer you question, they said bin laden died when bush was in office, so you clearly illustrate once again, you have no business in this conversation when you don't have the "know" to carry it on. o
Otherwise, we could be debating facts, and not the fairy tales no fact land you came from.


Well-Known Member
Facts that don't fit one's world view can be difficult to see. Consider the way the left spent decades ignoring the horrors of Soviet communism, horrors that were obvious to anyone who cared to look from at least the early 1930s. The facts didn't fit in with the way they wanted to see the world, so they spent decades in denial, looking the other way.



Well-Known Member
Facts that don't fit one's world view can be difficult to see. Consider the way the left spent decades ignoring the horrors of Soviet communism, horrors that were obvious to anyone who cared to look from at least the early 1930s. The facts didn't fit in with the way they wanted to see the world, so they spent decades in denial, looking the other way.

i poop indiscriminately.


Well-Known Member
I always thought it was funny that right after Barry had his "Real" Birth Certificate revealed and people were proving it to be a layered photoshop, he all of a sudden announces SEAL team 6 has killed OBL. Did anyone bring up the fake BC afterwards? Hell no, they forgot all about it. Oh Well, 4 more years, 4 more years, 4 more years yipppeeee. We ought to be in a war with China, N Korea, Mexico, Pakistan and Iran by then. Awesome!!!


Well-Known Member
I always thought it was funny that right after Barry had his "Real" Birth Certificate revealed and people were proving it to be a layered photoshop, he all of a sudden announces SEAL team 6 has killed OBL. Did anyone bring up the fake BC afterwards? Hell no, they forgot all about it. Oh Well, 4 more years, 4 more years, 4 more years yipppeeee. We ought to be in a war with China, N Korea, Mexico, Pakistan and Iran by then. Awesome!!!
Don't forget Russia!