Donald Trump for Prez


Well-Known Member
Well the way I feel about it is there is not a politician or Elite that deserves my vote. Maybe one of you guys but not them. Folks it is time we get Americans into office in order to save our country. You are the Americans I am talking about.


Well-Known Member
I'd consider voting for Trump but I have a feeling his campaign will be hurt by his past - ex wives and bankruptcies. Given recent events, I'd love to see Scott Walker or Chris Christie run. I wouldn't vote for Ron Paul just on the Federal Reserve issue. My background is in Econ and Accounting. As much as the Federal Reserve might scare people, the prospects of what could happen without it are even scarier.


Well-Known Member
I know this post is a couple months back, still the importance of this issue is current. I couldn't help but notice that someone on here thinks it would be scarier with out the federal reserve running our currency when on the contrary we as America where self sufficient before 1913 when the federal reserve system was put into place, we never even needed it and they have stolen 27 trillion from our country and this video needs to be seen by all.
[SIZE=+2]Is there no danger to our liberty and independence in a bank that in its nature has so little to bind it to our country? Is there not cause to tremble for the purity of our elections in peace and for the independence of our country in war? Controlling our currency, receiving our public monies, and holding thousands of our citizens in dependence, it would be more formidable and dangerous than a naval and military power of the enemy. — Herman E. Kross

[SIZE=+2]A private central bank issuing the public currency is a greater menace to the liberties of the people than a standing army... We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. — Ibid[/SIZE]


Well-Known Member
if Donald Trump runs for president he might win
I dont think you heard the news he announced he isnt running.
It was a publicity stunt not only for his show but also to distract the sheeple from more important things like the economy or the treason our president is currently committing.\
Rather than call out bigger things like the 27 trillion stolen by offshore banks, he instead made a big ass out of himself as he so naturally is just as a little distraction as played on also by barry sotaro with his little white house dinner with the whole birth certificate bull.
Nothing more than a distraction that didnt go to well so they needed to roll out the completely staged assassination of a man who has already been dead for nearly a decade.


Well-Known Member
I dont think you heard the news he announced he isnt running. It was a publicity stunt not only for his show but also to distract the sheeple from more important things like the economy or the treason our president is committing with the whole birth certificate bull, but rather than call out bigger things like the 27 trillion stolen by offshore banks, he instead made a big ass out of himself as he so naturally is just as a little distraction as played on also by barry sotaro with his little white house dinner. Nothing more than a distraction that didnt go to well so they needed to roll out the completely staged assassination of a man who has already been dead for nearly a decade.
all to be able to "what" in the end? :?


Well-Known Member
all to be able to "what" in the end? :?
Its hard to just begin with the current event of what is taking place not only in our country but also world wide.
It would go hand and hand with knowing history abroad and knowing how Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.
In America however our founding fathers were experienced with this lifestyle of banksters and tyranny and formed a republic that could never be taken over by the very thing they fought against for their lives, no need for a history lesson but the point is we have our constitution and bill of rights and declaration of independence that this country was founded on by those who opposed oppression. Periodic revolution, “at least once every 20 years,” was “a medicine necessary for the sound health of government.” - Thomas Jefferson
We have to fight against this fascist takeover it is what true blooded patriots are all about thats why we have the second amendment. Its not there for duck hunting as barry sotaro states its there first and far most for violent overthrow of a corrupted treasonous government. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."- Thomas Jefferson


Well-Known Member
Its hard to just begin with the current event of what is taking place not only in our country but also world wide.
It would go hand and hand with knowing history abroad and knowing how Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.
In America however our founding fathers were experienced with this lifestyle of banksters and tyranny and formed a republic that could never be taken over by the very thing they fought against for their lives, no need for a history lesson but the point is we have our constitution and bill of rights and declaration of independence that this country was founded on by those who opposed oppression. Periodic revolution, “at least once every 20 years,” was “a medicine necessary for the sound health of government.” - Thomas Jefferson
We have to fight against this fascist takeover it is what true blooded patriots are all about thats why we have the second amendment. Its not there for duck hunting as barry sotaro states its there first and far most for violent overthrow of a corrupted treasonous government. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."- Thomas Jefferson
cool story, bro.


Well-Known Member
Nothing more than a distraction that didnt go to well so they needed to roll out the completely staged assassination of a man who has already been dead for nearly a decade.
cool story, bro.

can i ask what cia operatives you get your information from?


Well-Known Member
cool story, bro.

can i ask what cia operatives you get your information from?
Ha your a funny guy.
Its called being educated and knowing history as well.
Main stream media coming out 9 separate times over the last decade confirming his death... and just because you don't know this information it does not take away any of the fact of the details i share that were shared to me by the news and government press reporting agencies so i have this info from their word themselves. Look into it if you don't know this instead of asking questions as if you do know better, when clearly that is not the case. yuppies crack me up.


Well-Known Member
Ha your a funny guy.
Its called being educated and knowing history as well.
Main stream media coming out 9 separate times over the last decade confirming his death... and just because you don't know this information it does not take away any of the fact of the details i share that where shared to me by the news and government press reporting agencies so i have this info from there word themselves. Look into it if you don't know this instead of asking questions as if you do know better, when clearly that is not the case. yuppies crack me up.
so the media said he was dead 9 times and you chose to believe one of those stories and not the other 8?

and i thought the main stream media was an agent of disinformation, according to those who spend their days calculating launch trajectories and compulsively stockpiling MREs. so why believe one of their earlier reports, but not the most recent one?

i can show you evidence (testimony from family members) that osama was taken out a few weeks ago in pakistan. what evidence do you have to support your claim?

edit: educated people know the difference between "your" and "you're" as well as "there" and "their". i happen to be one of them. but perhaps, just maybe, i am also one of the agents of disinformation perpetrating this nefarious kabal. or am i?


Well-Known Member
so the media said he was dead 9 times and you chose to believe one of those stories and not the other 8?

and i thought the main stream media was an agent of disinformation, according to those who spend their days calculating launch trajectories and compulsively stockpiling MREs. so why believe one of their earlier reports, but not the most recent one?

i can show you evidence (testimony from family members) that osama was taken out a few weeks ago in pakistan. what evidence do you have to support your claim?

edit: educated people know the difference between "your" and "you're" as well as "there" and "their". i happen to be one of them. but perhaps, just maybe, i am also one of the agents of disinformation perpetrating this nefarious kabal. or am i?
Could be? I never used the word "your" in the last post?
Because people have typo's alll the time, you point them out, as if i was submitting a freaking screen play?
Further more, the argument you present is pointless, because i can show you all 9 reports, with great details and facts, from major news reporting agencies, and you would still like to pick one of the fairy tale stories about him being thrown "in the ocean"?
You honestly believe that?
I doubt you are that gullible.
Im not choosing any of the stories to believe don't get me wrong.. point being he most likely has been dead since december, 2001, when reported, kidney failure was the cause of his death.
Anyone knows if your hooked up to a dialysis machine for kidney failure, you are lucky if you have another three years at best with cutting edge treatment.
This is his own family saying this, so that cant be disputed.
When "you" decode reality, you believe the made up fable of some SEALS, Popping the most wanted man in the head.
When he was unarmed? Then throwing his body in the ocean?!?!
Not to mention the story severely keeps changing... this my friend, would be the equivalent of a politician, wearing his suit and tie, whipping out his Johnson taking a leak on your back, as he tells you its only raining, with your whole heated trust believing his words even though its hot and stinky like urine.
Maybe educated you are, logic and common sense is severely lacking though, if that's what you truly believe!


Well-Known Member
at first, you said he HAS been dead for a decade.

then, you said he has LIKELY been dead for a decade.

why do you keep changing your story?

i guess that destroys your credibility.

logic. it's fucking great.
Well i rest my case then, when i say "likely" or "did" those are at least similar to each other... though, even you and the story you are buying, is not clear or even similar, with all the variations in the short time this fairy tale has been circulating. You whole heatedly believe it and bite right into it
So "sir" you make absolutely no sense, you are crying aloud that you believe something that has no consistency or real sound foundation to begin with, and anybody with logic does not believe.
Haha you crack me up!
Its far more logical to not believe any other story, about his death, after the first confirmed report, than to believe even the 2nd,3rd,4th and all the way up to, in your case, the ninth explanation lol you sir have no logic.

Further more to point the finger at me and say i lost credibility is nonsense. I'm simply pointing out the loss of credibility of the government and media with their bogus information!


Well-Known Member
Well i rest my case then, when i say "likely" or "did" those are at least similar to each other... though, even you and the story you are buying, is not clear or even similar, with all the variations in the short time this fairy tale has been circulating. You whole heatedly believe it and bite right into it
So "sir" you make absolutely no sense, you are crying aloud that you believe something that has no consistency or real sound foundation to begin with, and anybody with logic does not believe.
Haha you crack me up!
Its far more logical to not believe any other story, about his death, after the first confirmed report, than to believe even the 2nd,3rd,4th and all the way up to, in your case, the ninth explanation lol you sir have no logic.
you indicted the truth of osama bin laden's death by pointing out how the stories changed.

i pointed out how your story changed from 'certain' to 'likely'.

i used your logic to indict your tales.

people will form a conspiracy theory about anything nowadays.

are you calling the navy seals a pack of liars?


Well-Known Member
you indicted the truth of osama bin laden's death by pointing out how the stories changed.

i pointed out how your story changed from 'certain' to 'likely'.

i used your logic to indict your tales.

people will form a conspiracy theory about anything nowadays.

are you calling the navy seals a pack of liars?
As i mentioned before its not my stories, im simply pointing at the media and government, illustrating that they have no credibility with as many stories about this one topic that have surfaced in the last decade. Its far more logical to not believe anything they say anymore because they have lost all credibility.
You and your logic looks at what i type, and you think someone is making stuff up, and is a so called "conspiracy theorists." Infarct its conspiracy fact not theory. Why? because i am simply pointing out what they themselves have said, so for you to say "im" forming a conspiracy theory about something is your own play on ignorance and lack of information on the subject, which just clearly illustrates to me, you dont even have enough "know" on this topic, in this conversation to carry on. Thank you for your input, but let me suggest you read some books, and look into facts, on whatever "said subject" before you put your two since in. Other wise you are risking all your credibility, just like the media and government!


Well-Known Member
... let me suggest you read some books and look into facts on whatever "said subject" before you put your two sense in. Other wise you are risking all your credibility just like the media and government!
i have 5 senses, not two.

so you are claiming bush was dead since 2001 yet dubya chose to let the next guy spill the news?

presumably, thousands knew about this and yet no one told anyone anything?

interesting theory. and yes, it is a theory, not a fact. and it espouses a conspiracy, thus conspiracy theory.