Donald Trump has more charisma than Charles Manson?


Well-Known Member
Can yall imagine a Trump presidency accompanied by a Republican-led House and Senate that felt so held back by the Obama administration?


Well-Known Member
I watched the last Trump show and have been watching him progress and for the first time in years I am thinking maybe he means it this time. I will wait and see what happens on OCT 22nd with Hillary, because after that day she might have a boot stuck up her ass.

If Hillary bows out it will create chaos for the Dems and maybe Trump will gain some more traction. Get the popcorn ready for the New National Boot in The Ass Day. OCT 22nd stay tuned.
Won't be no chaos in the dem party if Clinton bows out. Many of us are hoping she does
And it has nothing to with all the made up/manufactured scandals the Republicans have dreamed up.
Scott Walker not only had a private email server. His office had its own wifi seperate from the governments


Well-Known Member
Oh Buck, now settle down...I know you love me.

I support citizenship for all current illegals. And then aggressive prevention of further illegal immigration.
Aggressive prevention of illegal immigration would mean reducing the wait times from 2 decades to less than 2 years like we treat the rest of the world


Well-Known Member
Careful what you wish for LF. I know it's because you think it locks up a dem presidency but picture this. During debates somebody asks actual real world related questions on the economy. Sanders will start by saying NORWAY!! we need to be more like them!! Trump will say that's what is wrong with America today, we shouldn't strive to be "like" another country, we should strive to be the greatest country in history like we used to be!! We used to set the example, now we "lead from behind".

Soundbites like that are scary. Pleebs are unpredictable. Trump knows marketing. People are not really excited about status quo and Biden, Clinton, and Bush represent that. Sanders refuses to roll in the mud. I find that commendable but pretty much all research shows negative campaigning wins. If he starts rolling in the mud then he's just another politician and loses likability.

I hope you don't get your hope, the risk is not worth it. I really don't understand the Trump love and until recently I couldn't take his candidacy serious. He's actually gaining still, even after the debate. Hell, he jumped up points from the debate.

Although.... picturing Trump and Putin together in the same room.... may be ppv worthy.
Trump does not stand a fucking chance in the general election. His message only resonates with the backwards thinking Repuke party. People like myself will most certainly vote him in at the primary level, because we know he will get murdered in the general election. All part of the plan. He has lost the woman vote. Lost the black vote. Lost the Latin vote. The only people who he has are backwards thinking rednecks. Trump is entertainment. Just like watching a dumb ass reality show

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Won't be no chaos in the dem party if Clinton bows out. Many of us are hoping she does
And it has nothing to with all the made up/manufactured scandals the Republicans have dreamed up.
Scott Walker not only had a private email server. His office had its own wifi seperate from the governments
Chesus, Hillary's pay grade was much higher up than anybody you want to compare e mails with. Scott was not doing anything close to running the country like Hillary was. Your way of thinking is apples to oranges when it comes to confidential secret info.

And the only one that is dreaming right now is you thinking that there are no rules broken. imo

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Trump does not stand a fucking chance in the general election. His message only resonates with the backwards thinking Repuke party. People like myself will most certainly vote him in at the primary level, because we know he will get murdered in the general election. All part of the plan. He has lost the woman vote. Lost the black vote. Lost the Latin vote. The only people who he has are backwards thinking rednecks. Trump is entertainment. Just like watching a dumb ass reality show
The more out spoken you are about Trump not standing a chance might bite you in the butt. If you think its in the bag already you better start pumping Bernie so he can rent the big stadiums. I am just eating the popcorn and watching because you don't think Trump stands a chance and your own party is saying Bernie doesn't have a chance and Hillary is soon to have a boot in her ass.

This whole show is entertainment right now from both sides. October 22nd will be a reality show , lets see what happens.


Well-Known Member
The more out spoken you are about Trump not standing a chance might bite you in the butt. If you think its in the bag already you better start pumping Bernie so he can rent the big stadiums. I am just eating the popcorn and watching because you don't think Trump stands a chance and your own party is saying Bernie doesn't have a chance and Hillary is soon to have a boot in her ass.

This whole show is entertainment right now from both sides. October 22nd will be a reality show , lets see what happens.
Do I really need to go back and show you how your predictions come out.


Well-Known Member
Chesus, Hillary's pay grade was much higher up than anybody you want to compare e mails with. Scott was not doing anything close to running the country like Hillary was. Your way of thinking is apples to oranges when it comes to confidential secret info.

And the only one that is dreaming right now is you thinking that there are no rules broken. imo


Well-Known Member
Chesus, Hillary's pay grade was much higher up than anybody you want to compare e mails with. Scott was not doing anything close to running the country like Hillary was. Your way of thinking is apples to oranges when it comes to confidential secret info.

And the only one that is dreaming right now is you thinking that there are no rules broken. imo
OMG I hope the fake email controversy sinks Clinton



Well-Known Member
Trump does not stand a fucking chance in the general election. His message only resonates with the backwards thinking Repuke party. People like myself will most certainly vote him in at the primary level, because we know he will get murdered in the general election. All part of the plan. He has lost the woman vote. Lost the black vote. Lost the Latin vote. The only people who he has are backwards thinking rednecks. Trump is entertainment. Just like watching a dumb ass reality show
That's because Trump IS a reality tv show.

I wish I were as confident as you that Trump loses to whoever he faces but I'm not. I have little faith in the voting public. I've seen people who make statements like "I'm not a witch" in campaign ads and still almost win. I see people like Reid get re-elected over and over. Also, if Clinton wins the primary, the Sanders folks will still write him in. Does a split vote sound attractive to the dem side? Ross Perot II?

I still say it's coming down to Clinton/Bush but would be happier being wrong on that one.


Well-Known Member
OMG I hope the fake email controversy sinks Clinton

Can you imagine the first time Warren tells that lady with the successful boutique she started in her garage but through 100 hr weeks and a second mortgage on her house that she didn't build that?

That and the Pocahontas thing, Warren is as toxic as Palin was. I know, I know, you guys can't see that because you love Warren and hate Palin but don't forget, Palin has a lot of love too, idiots everywhere.