Donald Trump Says He Will Not Attend the White House Correspondents' Dinner


Well-Known Member
Although i definately share with some the dislike for the u.s. president .Holding governement to the fire over a dinner and Martini with a side of insolence isnt for me . lol. Its always sounded a little to cozy for my liking . The less i see of this president and his presstitutes the better.


Well-Known Member
Check out The Young Turks. Look up WOLFPAC. See about joining a local chapter of Indivisible. We the People are just getting started...
Indivisible pays best. That Soros money is just rolling in. Lol. It's funny because, if they knew anything, they would realize it is the amateurs you need to look out for.

Though I gotta say... Hillary's video release Friday did not make me warm and fuzzy. She needs to go on permanent vacation. None of the energy belongs to her.


Well-Known Member
I think once people understand what a citizen centric movement actually looks like and would mean for them, they'd sign on in droves- even if the right wing called it socialism!