Donald Trump

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When a person constantly talks about racism or holocaust ?? one can figure out he is in denial and probably one of the worst raciest..
It ok Buck we know you were brought up that way just one question ??? was it your mother or Father that wore the racism pants in the family American-History-X-1998-Edward-Norton.png


Well-Known Member
Hey Buck this is art not Racism View attachment 3703391
Art? Every single one of those tattoos stand for white nationalism / supremacy. Some in the first one you posted are trophies for spilling blood, some are for murder, and/or rape. You are a sick fuck. And, you would get your silky white ass pummeled in county for saying otherwise. It's fucking disgusting, and so are you. It's no wonder you have several 'likes' from the all the righties here.TRUMP!


Art? Every single one of those tattoos stand for white nationalism / supremacy. Some in the first one you posted are trophies for spilling blood, some are for murder, and/or rape. You are a sick fuck. And, you would get your silky white ass pummeled in county for saying otherwise. It's fucking disgusting, and so are you. It's no wonder you have several 'likes' from the all the righties here.TRUMP!
Interesting you say that i feel safe walking in any country in the world would you ??? i mean sporting the american flag ??? could that be called the same i mean lets see here marines commuting Murder and rape same thing different pile


Well-Known Member
Interesting you say that i feel safe walking in any country in the world would you ???
i mean sporting the american flag ???
could that be called the same i mean lets see here marines commuting Murder and rape same thing different pile
No. And, also, fuck you for disrespecting other's service. I should punch you in the fucking throat for even trying to make that comparison.
14 88 buddy
You are going to die alone, shitbag. :D
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