Dont know what to do


Well-Known Member
Alright, nutrients I dont know what kind I need and they are expensive.
Soil, I dont know any around here other than miracle grow and some coconut shit thing. Can someone help me out?


Active Member
get the miracle grow AND a bag of some coconut shit(its coir) AND a bag of perlite (look or ask for it) mix it all together realy good and then bingo bang o a kickass soiless mix.



Well-Known Member
I disagree do not get miracle grow...

for one reason... miracle is mixed and designed to not favor weeds... if you know what I mean... best bet is to mix your own soil... get some perlite, vermiculite and any regular potting soild and mix 33...33...33... a good amount of perlite is essential for drainage and aeriation for your babies roots :)

oh really???

Well-Known Member

i just went through this and here is the answer.

. . .no miracle grow. . .

for soil ( if nothing else) use black gold or scotts of your dirt from your backyard add vermiculite and perlite regardless. Fox farm soil is great if you do not want to make your own. then go to ebay look up blue mountain organics and get their grow, bloom, and super plant tonic. it's cheap and more than enough for your first round of nutes for a grow. then research and buy for your second.

. . .don't get caught up in the hype. know what you put in your soil/water and why. you save money if you do the research yourself.


Well-Known Member

i just went through this and here is the answer.

. . .no miracle grow. . .

for soil ( if nothing else) use black gold or scotts of your dirt from your backyard add vermiculite and perlite regardless. Fox farm soil is great if you do not want to make your own. then go to ebay look up blue mountain organics and get their grow, bloom, and super plant tonic. it's cheap and more than enough for your first round of nutes for a grow. then research and buy for your second.

. . .don't get caught up in the hype. know what you put in your soil/water and why. you save money if you do the research yourself.
What is that growing in ur av dude.


Well-Known Member
THats what i would have suggested as well. Ive done the m/g in soil. Its a joke. But u can grow a meaningless plant in it. Look up coco in the search bar and seee whats its all about.


Well-Known Member
ive been using foxfarm ocean forest and perlite and for flowering i use super bloom and ive never had any problems accept the 1st time i used it i added way to much T_T