Dont Snitch on the Marijuana Forums

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Disagreeing with Ron Paul = spamming right?
in a thread that is meant for discussion or awareness, if you are posting continuously the same anti topic kind of information without being a part of the debate discussion or brainstorming process then yes its spam

what is this cry wolf shit, i dont post in areas i dont feel like engaging in . . .and if your not willing to engage the topic of OP or topic at hand then and post continuously then yes you are spamming, dont be a child

this is absurd, its like if buck trying to pretend he doesnt troll people


Well-Known Member
My wifes reply to me reading this thread was "Isn't uncle buck a douche bag?" She remembers what he wrote from a year or two ago. LOL. UB is a piece of shit. Thats great. Commie.


Well-Known Member
Weed. the only thing that brings commie government control democrat freaks together with the polar opposite freedom nutcakes that support Ron Paul. hahhahahah my wife just asked me 'so there is no romneys, eh?'. lol, I find that highly amusing and I am glad to be a ron paul nutcake.