Dont you just hate the Live Above The Influence commercial


Well-Known Member
Alright so everytime i see one of these fucking things i wanna blow my fucking head off yesterday i fucking saw one where this kid was sitting in his basement smoking weed and like 20 yrs later hes still there...ah weeds done many of people dad started selling weed when he was 14 got kicked out at 18 put himself into a union program 21 moved up to management 24 applyed for a huge loan he got it and now hes a millionair makes a shit ton of money and he loves pot to this day he smokes everyday and ...we laughed about it and he was like if it wasnt for weed i'd prob still be sitting in my basement trying to figure out what i wanna do...How many of your fucking hate thoes fucking stupid ass commercials Live Above! fuck that shit...Weed has helped me so many ways..and it has never got me into trouble yet...i mean they need 2 put like live about the bitch up that....that white girl..she'll fuckin kill u..not weed!


Well-Known Member
I won't go out and say that weed has helped me but it has never hurt me either.

I find it funny that the majority of the "Above the Influence" adds are mostly aimed towards Marijuana. You rarely find any that are geared towards Meth, Cocaine, heroine, or the most deadly of all drugs: Alcohol.

Dumb fucks who need to check their priorities.

Of course everyone of them will say that Marijuana is a "gateway" drug but most of these people will go get loaded at their local watering hole after a hard day of "Keeping Kids Off Drugs". HA


Well-Known Member
I laugh and hate those commercials, it depends on my mood. today I fuckin hate those god damn commercials. I emailed them once saying they should get their facts straight about marijuana and explained the cannabinoid receptor in the email and shit . . . damn my high ramblings


Well-Known Member
Alright so everytime i see one of these fucking things i wanna blow my fucking head off yesterday i fucking saw one where this kid was sitting in his basement smoking weed and like 20 yrs later hes still there...ah weeds done many of people dad started selling weed when he was 14 got kicked out at 18 put himself into a union program 21 moved up to management 24 applyed for a huge loan he got it and now hes a millionair makes a shit ton of money and he loves pot to this day he smokes everyday and ...we laughed about it and he was like if it wasnt for weed i'd prob still be sitting in my basement trying to figure out what i wanna do...How many of your fucking hate thoes fucking stupid ass commercials Live Above! fuck that shit...Weed has helped me so many ways..and it has never got me into trouble yet...i mean they need 2 put like live about the bitch up that....that white girl..she'll fuckin kill u..not weed!
Nah, they're funny. My life is so great, the dumber they make themselves look, the more kids are willing to come try a toke with me, and the more people become part of our big group.

So, basically they shoot themselves in the foot. Kids are not that dumb. They might stop some kids in high-school, but once you're out at college with people like me around it's hard ot not try it, and then it's even harder to deny it.


Well-Known Member
Nah, they're funny. My life is so great, the dumber they make themselves look, the more kids are willing to come try a toke with me, and the more people become part of our big group.

So, basically they shoot themselves in the foot. Kids are not that dumb. They might stop some kids in high-school, but once you're out at college with people like me around it's hard ot not try it, and then it's even harder to deny it.
yah man, i no what u mean... ive made so many people pot heads :fire: haha

old pothead

Well-Known Member
I always thought people in washington were smart.Do they not know that those commercials do more to get kids hooked on drugs than deter them.Kid's are smart,they see and hear way more than we as parents want them to see and hear.They see their freinds out getting high and see that they are not freaking out and killing people.Instead they see them sitting around laughing and having a good time.
Tell me a line of crap and i know it is not true,and i will not believe a word you tell me,ever.Kid's are the same way,they know it is a bunch of crap. They know pot is not bad for them,so they think what about the rest of the drugs they are saying are bad for them.No wonder America is one of the highest drug consuming countries in the world.OPH

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
stoners need to make commercials like the "fact" diet mountain dew ads.




Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
They now are trying to use different tactics, like saying weed makes you get panic attacks, memory loss, and anxiety....first off all those are false, and on top of all this nonsense, the fact still remains! weed hasnt nor will ever kill a single person! so it truly does baffle me why they target weed so much, they really should target only hard drugs, including ciggs and alchohol, its almost insulting how backwards it is. zero deaths, thats all i can say to those damn commercials...i use to try to argue a lot on weeds behalf, but people will remain fucktards, so now i literally will just say to ignorant people that " its good for my health"...cuz it is, and it has 100 percent NO side affects. but when you go to the doc, they will throw you some death pills that fuck you over...the whole thing is a joke.


Well-Known Member
They now are trying to use different tactics, like saying weed makes you get panic attacks, memory loss, and anxiety....first off all those are false, and on top of all this nonsense, the fact still remains! weed hasnt nor will ever kill a single person! so it truly does baffle me why they target weed so much, they really should target only hard drugs, including ciggs and alchohol, its almost insulting how backwards it is. zero deaths, thats all i can say to those damn commercials...i use to try to argue a lot on weeds behalf, but people will remain fucktards, so now i literally will just say to ignorant people that " its good for my health"...cuz it is, and it has 100 percent NO side affects. but when you go to the doc, they will throw you some death pills that fuck you over...the whole thing is a joke.

that's funny because most people use weed to cure panic attacks and anxiety. memory loss is usually prevented as the cannabinoid receptors activation triggers neuroprotection and neurogenesis (protects braincells and creates braincells.) the only time your memory is ever hindered is while you are very stoned. if anything, any time after that, your brain benefits from weed and your memory (I'm stretching this one) may even be INCREASED.

I swear, ever since I started smoking weed my brain power has gone up in every way I can think of. I can read better, I remember things better, I feel better, everything is better. so fuck the government and fuck these bullshit commercials, we all know what weed truly does for us, and we can prove to others better than these fucking commercials that weed is the opposite of a social plague.

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Anyone else feel like making some marijuana commercials? If anyone has a good idea, I'd love to start on one. I've got the means.

Let's start some counter-culture advertisements. And make 'em funny, too, because who doesn't like funny stoners?


Well-Known Member
yeah, I hate their newest commercial showing the kids all happt and saying shit like "I got straight D's!" and "I let people draw on my face" and the one that really got me "I left my friends and told them they had to find their own ride." or something like that. it's kinda fucked up.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
that's funny because most people use weed to cure panic attacks and anxiety. memory loss is usually prevented as the cannabinoid receptors activation triggers neuroprotection and neurogenesis (protects braincells and creates braincells.) the only time your memory is ever hindered is while you are very stoned. if anything, any time after that, your brain benefits from weed and your memory (I'm stretching this one) may even be INCREASED.

I swear, ever since I started smoking weed my brain power has gone up in every way I can think of. I can read better, I remember things better, I feel better, everything is better. so fuck the government and fuck these bullshit commercials, we all know what weed truly does for us, and we can prove to others better than these fucking commercials that weed is the opposite of a social plague.
yeah man, im sure we all feel this way, we all know that weed is just another commodity, safer than coffee even...I cant think of any funny commercial skits...maybe if i sat down and seriously pondered some ideas


Well-Known Member
the commercial in harold and kumar is fucking hilarious, the Above the Influence commercials piss me off so much though. I was just talking to my dad about this 2 days ago lol.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
yeah, I hate their newest commercial showing the kids all happt and saying shit like "I got straight D's!" and "I let people draw on my face" and the one that really got me "I left my friends and told them they had to find their own ride." or something like that. it's kinda fucked up.
Yes, this commercial is completely irrelevant...all those things they said the kids did, can happen to anyone, or anyone can do, not becuz of weed, and once again, not killing anyone, or physically harming that commercial they are basically saying that if you smoke weed, it will cause certain bad social situations. completely retarded.