

Well-Known Member
No hard feelings.

this was my last post but as i clicked post fdd shut it down. smart choice by him it was going nowhere.

Only if you stop referring to me as the left.

In other words, ain't gonna happen. :mrgreen:
If you are not liberal, then come out and say it.

We need less partisan people in this country anyways.

fivethirtyeight is a very leftist website and has no sources for any of the claims it makes with

However, I do agree with you that the IBD poll isn't very credible, but only because it only surveyed 1,300 doctors.

See ^^^ proof I am independent. I believe in what is right. And you were right on that one.

You just got to start admitting when you are wrong. I remember when I was a child, how I always thought I was right. Then there was a point when I knew I was wrong but felt it wasn't okay to be wrong, so I wouldn't accept I was wrong. Then I grew up and accepted that it is okay to be wrong. Being wrong causes psychological growth.

Psychological growth = improved decision making = improved ilfe

^^Off topic there, but for real man this bubble hash has got me good and I am done arguing, at least for now :Pbongsmilie:peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm more than willing to admit when I'm wrong. However, on matters of opinion - there is no right or wrong, so we will have to agree to disagree.

I'm liberal, but I don't align myself with so-called "liberal" politicians - because we should all know by now that they aren't interested in OUR freedom, only how much money/power they can accumulate. If you ask me, there is no such thing as a liberal politician. Being "liberal" implies that you hold personal liberties above pretty much all else, so politicians are automatically disqualified. They put on the face of the party because it wins them votes.

I'm not big on "left wing" media. when I read the "news", I try to find BOTH sides of the story (if there are 2 sides, which there usually are). I'm not unwilling to listen to people with differing opinions than my own, and if I find they are on top of things I am willing to change my opinion more often than not. Some things, like health insurance, hit a nerve for me.

I apologize if I was out of line, I'm just tired of being called an "Obama kool-aid drinker" and told that I must not love my country because I want affordable health insurance. I guess this is how the republicans must have felt for the past 8 years.

Anyway... fdd2blk seems to be putting the smack down this evening. No idea why he closed our thread. I don't think we were misbehaving that badly.