Down goes Big Bird?


Active Member
The folks at Sesame Street aren't amused by the comedy-hour Big Bird spot from the Obama campaign, which, as we said earlier, wasn't a swing-state buy...or buy beyond comedy shows.

The request to pull it will increase the free attention around it ... but it's not quite clear to what end.

I've emailed the Obama folks and will update accordingly.

Update: An Obama official says the campaign has received word of the show's concerns and are reviewing them.


Well-Known Member
Reported as troll/stalker

Poor Buckey is having a bad week with all of 0bama's screw ups!
i'm actually having a great week.

i pulled over 2 pounds from a single plant.

plus, i get to be entertained by racist republicans from texas who think that spamming a cannabis board with copy and paste article is going to help his cause somehow.

do you even smoke or grow? or are you just forwarding emails from your grandma?


Well-Known Member
The real funny thing about this is, Big Bird isnt the only one.
Obama has another ad featuring MSNBC anchor (misrepresented of course) that has to be pulled as well.

Obama also seems to think America is dumb enough to think Sesame Street needs government money.
Seriously how much money does Sesame Street make off the name Sesame Street? Wasnt just too damned long ago Tickle Me Elmo dolls were selling for over 10k each on Ebay.
So Sesame Street makes TONS of money and pays 0 taxes AND receives money from the government.

I thought Liberals wanted the RICH to pay their fair share?!


Ursus marijanus
Seasme Street could make a go of it. But what about all the other good stuff? Seriously, who else would televise a symphony concert? cn


Well-Known Member
The dumbing down of "America"....Why???
PBS supplies and gives us, values, culture, information, education, and these days, an affordable child-sitter.
Other Corps that receive tax brakes, supplies us with, Asama, Heart disease, Water-Air pollution, and landfills and oceans of plastic.

PBS is not worth it? Hell even china teaches their young.