dox compounds...which one? how rare?


Well-Known Member
See that's the thing..I want 36 get that on lsd I have to space out 3 doses of 400 ug blotters..and even then I'm usually looking to eat more or add some zing with mdma..if I can get 36 hours of straight tripping,ill be a happy hippy...


Well-Known Member
Most people would be pissed tripping for that be happy it lasted that long..especially if I was at a 4 day eat it on Friday night and get done Sunday morn..take a nap and go to a hotel to sleep...just the way I roll...


Well-Known Member
DoX dosages range from 1.5 to 5mg depending on the compound. I don't believe the intent of someone making 1.5mg hits was that you would need to eat 5.

Only thing worse than Od'nig is having it last 36 hours. At least with DMT it was over in 20 minutes.
Have you ever tried DOM? 1.5 mg is practically nothing. taking 4 of those, being 6mg.... would be decent strength. It's going to last a long time no matter what, as long as you take a sufficient dose.


Well-Known Member
So if they range to 5milligrams why not (other than to scam) put a half a tenth of powder in a capsule and let yourself be free of the 'carrier weight' legal trouble if placed on blotter...and ranging to 1.5mg to 5mg..that's a signifcant range..I have to settle on one compund and stick with a medium dose...some people shouldn't be allowed to sell drugs..


Well-Known Member
Because 5mg of powder is really small and it's a pain to dose evenly without fancy equipment while blotters are easy to dose evenly.


Well-Known Member
Yea I guess I was thinking on just a personal scale there..dammit,drugs should be legal. Then I'm sure it would be a small pill...


Well-Known Member
I'd rather have to take a few small pills to have more control over the dose. DOx compounds have fairly steep dose response curves.


Well-Known Member
They melt into a dream
a broken angel sings
from a guitar
in the end there's just a song
comes crying through the wind
through all the broken dreams
and vanished years
Stella Blue

I'm going to miss Stella terribly. Fuck rats. They deserve to die in cages with nothing but poison to eat. Except for Nichols' rats. They're pretty damned cool.