Dr. Atlas Shrugs (Let 'em die)


Well-Known Member
So, Trump has found a new sycophant in Dr. Scott Atlas, his new spokesperson for his disastrous failure in dealing with COVID-19.
Gone apparently are both Dr. Fauci & Dr. Brix, both with vast experience in infectious diseases, to be replaced by a specialist in fucking brain imaging.

Atlas believes in herd immunity (worked well in Sweden, right?), essentially saying, hey, life's a bitch, survival of the fittest, let the rest fucking die.
Where/why/how does Trump fucking consistently find people so inadequate for their positions?
That is mind boggling too me, how someone can pick one asshole after another with such consistency.


Well-Known Member
Only the best and brightest!
I heard the guy on public radio while driving and was thinking WTF? Remember the other doctor Trump talked about, the one that said demons had sex with people in their dreams? :roll:
This is what we get with a sociopath president.
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Well-Known Member
So, Trump has found a new sycophant in Dr. Scott Atlas, his new spokesperson for his disastrous failure in dealing with COVID-19.
Gone apparently are both Dr. Fauci & Dr. Brix, both with vast experience in infectious diseases, to be replaced by a specialist in fucking brain imaging.

Atlas believes in herd immunity (worked well in Sweden, right?), essentially saying, hey, life's a bitch, survival of the fittest, let the rest fucking die.
Where/why/how does Trump fucking consistently find people so inadequate for their positions?
That is mind boggling too me, how someone can pick one asshole after another with such consistency.
the guys a weirdo so Trumpy* found the perfect sycophant as you indicated- someone who will tell him he's wearing clothes when he's bare assed.


Well-Known Member
Open your eyes, motherfuckers.
We're getting fucked over each & every day.
Vote this abomination out

worse than you know, Jim- the good news is we can freeze his assets and everything he once had, will be ours..provided he doesn't kill us before 1/21/21..it's his only way out..no amount of bail will be set and he knows this.

the best we can hope for is that the gypsies leave on AF1..Russia? Turkey? (he's not friends with Erdogan like he thinks he is) Venezuela? Phillipines? Putin would take him so he could learn about AF1, quite the feather in his cap. I'm gonna say North Korea is off the table.


Well-Known Member
So, Trump has found a new sycophant in Dr. Scott Atlas, his new spokesperson for his disastrous failure in dealing with COVID-19.
Gone apparently are both Dr. Fauci & Dr. Brix, both with vast experience in infectious diseases, to be replaced by a specialist in fucking brain imaging.

Atlas believes in herd immunity (worked well in Sweden, right?), essentially saying, hey, life's a bitch, survival of the fittest, let the rest fucking die.
Where/why/how does Trump fucking consistently find people so inadequate for their positions?
That is mind boggling too me, how someone can pick one asshole after another with such consistency.
he only surrounds himself with the best.


Well-Known Member
Trump is creating an environment where no one will trust the cure
Putin is happy as a pig in shit
Oh shit, I spent my career in pharmaceuticals. Start up facilities, R&D, manufacturing, FDA.
There’s NO WAY IN HELL I’m taking a vaccination like this.
I’d rather die or stay in my own paradise.
You know it used to be with the FDA that “if it’s not written down, it didn’t happen.”
Millions of dollars wasted over the most minuscule irregularities.
I’ve worked clinicals for many, many years.
Nope, no way in hell.