dr conservative poem


Well-Known Member
among things that conservatives do like:

blocking assistance to 9/11 first responders
blocking assistance to unemployed during a massive recession
massive spending sprees (only when they are in power, though)
blocking the debt ceiling raise made necessary by said massive spending sprees
massive tax cuts for the uber-wealthy
bathroom stalls at airports
hiring people off rentboy.com to "carry their luggage"
having sex with hookers and not resigning, yet shouting for a sexter to resign
sexting teenage congressional pages
lobbying against gay rights while banging male prostitutes and snorting meth
getting a young republican drunk and mouth-fucking them in their sleep
sarah palin
christine o'donnell
michelle bachmann
rush limbaugh
glenn beck
ann coulter
michelle malkin
outing cia agents
making statements that are not intended to be factual

shall i go on?


Well-Known Member
among things that conservatives do like:

blocking assistance to 9/11 first responders
blocking assistance to unemployed during a massive recession
massive spending sprees (only when they are in power, though)
blocking the debt ceiling raise made necessary by said massive spending sprees
massive tax cuts for the uber-wealthy
bathroom stalls at airports
hiring people off rentboy.com to "carry their luggage"
having sex with hookers and not resigning, yet shouting for a sexter to resign
sexting teenage congressional pages
lobbying against gay rights while banging male prostitutes and snorting meth
getting a young republican drunk and mouth-fucking them in their sleep
sarah palin
christine o'donnell
michelle bachmann
rush limbaugh
glenn beck
ann coulter
michelle malkin
outing cia agents
making statements that are not intended to be factual

shall i go on?
Do I get labeled in your category of "conservative?"

I think it is very liberal of me to say this: I want the government to pay somebody to come trim my plants :D


Well-Known Member
Do I get labeled in your category of "conservative?"

I think it is very liberal of me to say this: I want the government to pay somebody to come trim my plants :D
you do NOT count as conservative. i am not quite sure what ou are, but i mostly like it.

and trim your own plants, or hire someone. next time someone asks if a poor person ever created a job, tell them i will in october.


New Member
lobbying against gay rights while banging male prostitutes and snorting meth
As opposed to pretending to lobby for gay rights and banging female prostitutes while snorting cocaine?

Choose your poison....

Or come with us to the dark side....the wacko libertarians and crazy uncle ron with his topics that aren't sexy..like economics and actual issues.

but instead we say pffft screw alll that give me sarah palin and a steak and change it to monday night football. Is she Pro Life or Pro Choice, check that little box in my head and choose, got better things to do like enjoying life, and god bless them for living life free and happy but I wish people cared about the future of our society but most people just dont. Why should they? You really shouldn't care about things you can't change to be honest, its not very healthy, unless your really intend to make a difference or unless you have no other choice. (or if you just find it interesting)


Well-Known Member
As opposed to pretending to lobby for gay rights and banging female prostitutes while snorting cocaine?
did i miss the memo? do you have to be banging dudes to lobby for gay rights?

all i am pointing out is the seemingly never ending line of righties who speak out against gay rights while sexting teenage congressional pages. or soliciting male prostitutes in airport bathrooms. or hiring someone off rentboy.com to "carry your luggage" and give you massages. or getting your younger colleague drunk and mouth fucking him in his sleep.

one is hypocritical because he engages in the activity which he condemns, the other is just humans being humans and doing dumb shit that is not necessarily hypocritical.


Well-Known Member
one is hypocritical because he engages in the activity which he condemns, the other is just humans being humans and doing dumb shit that is not necessarily hypocritical.
Show me someone who isn't hypocritical(It better not be Jesus either!).