Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey gambler, always good to se ya man:leaf:... I think we are gonna harvest some within the next 2 weeks, I'll make sure to update if we do. as far as how many plants there are up there, it's quite a bit! they are all at different stages too.well if I had to give a number,a rough estimate ballpark figure would be anywhere from 1-60 plants ;), somewhere in between there.


Well-Known Member
hey gambler, always good to se ya man:leaf:... I think we are gonna harvest some within the next 2 weeks, I'll make sure to update if we do. as far as how many plants there are up there, it's quite a bit! they are all at different stages too.well if I had to give a number,a rough estimate ballpark figure would be anywhere from 1-60 plants ;), somewhere in between there.
You guys really know how to get the most out of 2 plants,,,,bloody great work, don't know how you do it, ;-)


Well-Known Member
A koala is sitting up a gumtree smoking a joint when a little lizard walks past, looks up and says, "Hey Koala, what are you doing?" The koala says: "Smoking a joint. Come up and have some." So the little lizard climbs up, sits next to the koala and they enjoy a large doobie. After a while the little lizard says his mouth is dry and he is going to get a drink from the river.

But the little lizard is so stoned that he leans over too far and falls into the river. A crocodile sees this, swims over to the little lizard and helps him to the side then asks the little lizard: "What's the matter with you?" The little lizard explains to the crocodile that he was sitting smoking a joint with the koala in the tree, got too stoned, and then fell into the river while taking a drink.

The crocodile says he has to see this, walks into the rain forest, and finds the tree where the koala is sitting with yet another joint. He looks up and says, "Hey, you!" The koala looks down at him and says... "Fu-u-u-u-c-c-k, Dude....... How much water did you drink?!"


Well-Known Member
Nice one Kat!!

It's been a while, but next week this baby is gonna be getting the chop....among others.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hahaha! that's funny Kat, I heard that one awhile back, forgot about it, then you refreshed my memory again:lol:

hey CJ, good to see ya buddy:leaf:

what up DST, that baby looks nice!:weed: keep the bud porn coming gang:D

well, there was a good size earthquake off chile I believe. so today around 11am HI time, a tsunami supposed to be passing through. I'll give y'all an update when time comes.


Well-Known Member
So a tidel wave is rolling in while I type. What to do??? Go down to the beach and watch this mofo!!! When everyone evacs there 3 million dollar beach houses I'm goina run in there a shit in as many toilets as I can with out flushing!!!! lmao


speaking of waves yall tropical people be carefull i hear tsunamis is comming

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
good thing I live up on higher elevation:bigjoint: and I was gonna surf today but I think I'm gonna have to cancel that:cuss:....or maybe I could still go out?


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hahha! well, listening to the initial reports from the islands it allready hit, it doesn't sound to big, but with the media, ya never know! lol

so did you ever harvest that satori CJ? what was the smoke like?

..I think I heard a report of it hitting australia,...or was it samoa, I forget, I was stoned:eyesmoke: but anyway I hear it was only 6 ft. waves w/swell whatever that means. I can surf 6 ft. easy :D lol


hahha! well, listening to the reports from the islands it allready hit in the pacific, it doesn't sound to big, but with the media, ya never know! lol

so did you ever harvest that satori CJ? what was the smoke like?

thats a mandala strain no??? how are the rest of mandala strains??? hows the calichakra?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
yeah, mandala. I had a few beans I grew out and they were awesome, but turned male:( I know CJ had a satori cause we where following the same thread one time when some dude was growing satori. and it was confirmed when CJ busted out a beautiful pic of her...in here :D thx for that CJ!