Dragnet Lecture to Obama

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
A friend of mine sent me this and it made think of you guys over here in the political section. It's funny in a weird way.

I couldn't imagine being pulled over by either one of two guys, 'Please step out of the car, put your hands on the roof...' Oh, how I don't miss the police from yesterday.



Well-Known Member

His logic is basically: "If we don't pass this they're going to fuck you in the ass... SO BEND OVER NOW AND LET ME HELP."


Well-Known Member
did anyone notice the two white men where arguing to each other yet both side of their arguments linked well to Obama

Be prepared for the onslaught of obamanites.

Paulbots Vs obamanites 2012

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I think this is going to be one of those Presidential races that will be talked about for generations. I can see the fight of the yard signs now.


Well-Known Member
did anyone notice the two white men where arguing to each other yet both side of their arguments linked well to Obama

Be prepared for the onslaught of obamanites.

Paulbots Vs obamanites 2012
should we prefer Romney or Santorum ????? Do tell who you would prefer

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
It's politics..of course you are going to have lively debates, but again do tell who is your preferred candidate
I hope it's ok if I amswer, if not nya nya nya!

Santorum only because he's not afraid to tell Obama what he truly feels about him. He's a nig, he wasn't stopping himself at all. Feel the love of Jeshua. :hug:


Well-Known Member
That looks more like what big business and congress said to Obama the day he got elected.

"Sit down son, we'd like to have a word with you"

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Does anyone feel the candidates we have that are electable or in office now will not do what we need done? Or that America was a better place to live before the last 15 or 20 years? Or how about this: Do you feel none or not enough of the last 15 to 20 years of Congress, Presidential advisors, Cabinet members were really smart enough to understand the economy or that sending jobs overseas would hurt our country? Is there anyone who thinks that it should be ok to have their telephone wiretapped or home and property searched and seized by the powers that be and these powers should be able to do it if they wish to regardless of the fact that the person could be innocent or that by doing so the persons rights will be violated Should we do away with the rule which guarantees us (to be safe and secure in your person and property)? Im just curious. I think they are smart. Even the ones who say things I dont agree with. I also think they put their own personal ambitions ahead of the responsibility they have to the American people who they are there to represent. I feel as though they are not open and honest about their intentions and that they enjoy fooling us as long as there is something in it for them.