Draws I Made While Stoned


Well-Known Member
I drew this while stoned and im adding color right now ill put the last version when im done with it im just waiting till i can get stoned again to continue adding color to keep the essence i hope you guys like it
btw this is the first time i draw stoned and i can say i enjoyed it more than munchies =O

and the one I'm working at right now:

(this was something i also made on that trip)
Were the first two drawings done exclusively, or did you color in the first drawing later on? It took me awhile to figure out the first two, but a pretty cool fish contraption. Third one is badass. What's that in the upper right corner of it though?


Well-Known Member
the second one is the first one but with some color in photoshop
the style i don't know i cant even remember why i drew that or in that way it just happend =P