Drew Peterson's 3rd wife


Well-Known Member
So they're sure she was murdered now, and they've opened an investigation into her murder. My question is, and I haven't found this anywhere, are they looking for how her death was originally an accident. If the evidence of murder is so string now, after years of decomposition, shouldn't it have been blatantly obvious then? I am a huge supporter of police, hell, Cops is the most watched show while I'm high, but they need to do a major shakeup in that department. They let one of their own kill someone, and helped him get away with it. And now Peterson has killed again.


Well-Known Member
Wow, you are right justin, that is one creepy ex-cop, and I think we have only seen the tip of the iceberg so far....the facts up till now raise all sorts of questions.
There has to be some sick stuff behind this guy’s career as a cop!
Psycho Cop???


New Member
Wow, you are right justin, that is one creepy ex-cop, and I think we have only seen the tip of the iceberg so far....the facts up till now raise all sorts of questions.
There has to be some sick stuff behind this guy’s career as a cop!
Psycho Cop???
Geeze, there you go again with the subject I can agree with. That is one cold blooded sucker, did you see him in that kerchief mask and then smiling for the camera, wierd dude. I believe they covered it up the first time also, cops can do that, especially if they fear the bastard they work with as they know he's a psycho.


New Member
They wouldn't have covered up a murder. A speeding ticket or a DUI maybe, but not murder.



New Member
They wouldn't have covered up a murder. A speeding ticket or a DUI maybe, but not murder.

Maybe you have more confidence in the police than I, but they may have not tried real hard to investigate it either, and the Dr. that did the autopsy, He must have been scaired, eh, Bruises on the top side of her body when she "allegedly" fell backwards into the tub, Yeah right.


Well-Known Member
There must be something in the air tonight (besides ganja smoke clouds) I am (amazingly) agreeing with med and disagreeing with Vi.
Corrupt cops and those who shield them are a real problem.
So far it looks like this Peterson had to have had some assistance in covering his tracks.
I guess we will have to wait and see as this case plays out.

Covering up a fellow cops murdering is NOT out of the realm of possibility!

I might be coming down with something though, I'll smoke two buds and call you in the morning:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hes an old school cop,believe it or not they act that brash.
I live very close to all this and I must say I dont really know
what to make of it myself since I'm not perosnaly on-hands
with the case, I only know what the media so-called "knows"
and we all know how quickly that can change...What if she does
show up alive, then what? Judge not my father told me.
Either way this guy is fucked, I wouldnt want him working next to me anytime soon.
Yes he acts odd, nothing lik what a normal human is like with the media camped
at his house and is on every news channel 24/7, but hes not normal,
hes been an officer for 25 yrs and is drunk on his own power,unlike most?
I think not.
The third wife,can't see why he hasnt been charged yet, we don't
know that reason.
Outsider looking in:He acts as thoe he knows something with a smerk(evil or asshole)
1 to meany deaths around this guy,leads me to
believe to killed the third and it was so easy and without question
he "could" have killed the fourth thinking the same....But I just
made all that up, sounds right thoe.


Well-Known Member
But what about the numerous domestic disputes, death threats. I watched an O'Reilly where he had the body linguist person analyze drew Peterson, didn't go to well for him. God, and that one picture of him on his motorcycle. He looks like Mr Pitt (Elaine's boss) riding on a moped or something. Maybe I just smoke too much weed and watch too much Seinfeld.


Well-Known Member
Guy is a former Bolingbrook Cop....go figure...nothing against cops in general but, I have had experience with Bolingbrook....Naperville.....Oak Lawn......etc...etc...all walk around with hard-ons because they couldnt be CPD