driking vs smoking


Active Member
man drinking is so much more of a dumber feeling then smokin, ive drank 120oz of beer and ive smoked about a gram of dank,and i no im not going to remmber toinght but how come i smoke a gram and remmber everythign but drink a cupple 40oz and stupidfied man, i got my head in the air and my eyes closed and just ready to go to sleep and its 6 in the mornign my peples is about to get up and im about to go to sleep, weed in my oinon is alot better then beer, cause beer has iu in derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr mod and weed gots u in koool mod,,,,
so which u think is better the beer or the bud,....good night im probalbby gonnna wake up totaly confused but good night pppl...later....


Well-Known Member
on work days I drink when I get home,,but smoke all day,,,,if I'm off work I drink from the time my eyes open till bed time and still smoke all day,,,I Love Both,,,if I had to give one up,,the beer would go


Well-Known Member
anything in excess makes you stoopid. 3 - 40's of what? and did you drink it thru a straw too?


My tolerance for the ganj' is so damn high that I prefer to drink when getting something off my mind. My favorites will always be morphine and good heroin. Even though thats not on the list alcohol has similar effects as far as body buzz.


New Member
I'd rather smoke. Hell I pass on Kona everytime, fuck drinking; killed my father (he wasn't a heavy drinker either; i really think if he just started smoking he'd be alive).


Well-Known Member
haha dutch that's legendary. i definitely prefer smoking but they're two different things. like saying do i prefer a cheeseburger or watching sports. apart from there's more similarities between getting high and getting drunk...but you see what i'm getting at yeah?



Well-Known Member
fuck, I mix the two.. never used too... weed made me paranoid booze just made me not give a fuck.. but I like the buzz from the weed.. bad habbit I got myself into.. The booze that is


Well-Known Member
I used to drink and smoke, now I just smoke. Shit was almost as expensive as herb so one had to go. Chose the one that would do the most damage to my body and got rid of it.


Well-Known Member
more people should know,,,I'm a drinking champ,,,8 full beers in 56 seconds,,,,,last all day and night,,,smoke like a chimney,,,weed and smokes,,,,go hard or go home,, ;-)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Every time I drink I think, "damn why did I even start drinking?"

Every time I smoke I think, "damn why didn't I light this up earlier?"


its been close to a year since I've had liquor and I only drink a few beers on occasion. Herb all the way man, its safer, smarter and more fun.


Active Member
I mix the fuck out of both of them. Very enjoyable, right now I am on both and listening the rap very lound on my headphones. Shit's good right now, so I guess my vote would be for both at the same damn time.