Drip Irrigation - Lets talk


Well-Known Member
Good day.

I have been playing with drip irrigation on my ladies for some time now.

I originally had 1/2" pvc(Clear) as a feed line.

With each design I use on 1/2" T and 3 x 1/2" 90 degree elbows. So this allows the feed to run the perimeter of the tent. The T is used where the feed line enters the tent.

This has been done to try and equalize pressure.

So I end up with a square that is about 36x36.

Off this I run 1/4" drip line to 2GPH drip emitters.

All of this is of course run by a submersible pump on a timer and looks after the ladies when I go away for a week.

I will add photos soon.

The issue is I still am not getting equal amounts to each plant.

Every drip line is exact down to the mm so length is not the issue.

Has anybody had success getting these lines to equalize?

I am now considering a heavier 3/4" feed hose. The black feed line like you would use outside seems to leak where the threaded bard goes in. The local shop sells a nice thicker walled hose that I believe will give a better fit.

Lets see your setups.


Well-Known Member
I dont know if You have a home depot but that is where I get adjustable flow drippers.
If one or more plants require more then i run another dripline.I usually start with 2 on each plant.Hope it helps.


Well-Known Member
I dont know if You have a home depot but that is where I get adjustable flow drippers.
If one or more plants require more then i run another dripline.I usually start with 2 on each plant.Hope it helps.
The issue is that I have 2 emitters dumping way more water than the other 2. In order to properly water all 4 I would have a tent full of water.

I do have homedepot yes.

I have flow control valves in the 1/4 drip but they seem to be more of an on or off valve.


Well-Known Member
Those droppers get clogged up over time, I check them every couple weeks and replace them each grow. Also make sure you're buying the pressure compensating ones.


Well-Known Member
first off get rid of Algae growing clear tube and go black, Secondly you have debris in your emitters. If you want to not replace emitters all the time due to nute buildup clogging either: open the system on its first run and blow all the crud out. Secondly put a 40 micron drip line filter in line. " thats a big one for longevity of your system" . Look for well emitters. they have a self cleaning disk. they are 3 times the size of your basic emitter. shit ill send ya a link. we use these in landscape all the time. they cost more but it saves us having to go back through systems constantly.
Self cleaning emitter https://www.dripirrigation.com/netafim-5-gph-self-cleaning-heavy-duty-pressure-compensating-drip-emitter.html#.WMx3G6K1uUk
jsut look for the size of flow you need. Good luck gents.