Drip Table System


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever used a table drip system? By that I mean a simple tray with a grid-like drip manifold on top and hydroton rocks as the medium. How deep would such a system have to be to grow 3ft plants? Would it have to be continuous drip? I saw the green-man video and I realized it could be adapted for my space. I have tried a few hydro systems in my setup and I just realized this could work really well in the space I have... which due to the proportions and size it's hard to grow even 4 plants in soil without having them potbound or having to grow fewer. Thanks, I could really use the advice.


Well-Known Member
i am using a drip setup like in the greenman video. i started from seeds and have 2 strong plants just about to hit the 4th week of veg. hopefully in 2 or 4 weeks i'll be able to clone and see what i have. i plan on maxing out around 24-30 inches before moving to the flowering area. so they should finish out around 36-40 inches high. i water 3 times a day.the feedings are rather short, 3-5 minutes depending on the gph your drippers are rated. i trimmed a large storage container to 8 inches for the planter, added a drain and a screen so the expanded clay pellets don't clog it. i think that will be more then deep enough to max out around 3 feet. hope this helps you decide on what to use on your next grow.


solid shadow

Well-Known Member
Just make sure your drip table is opaque - as in, it's a solid color, blocking light from getting through to your roots or any amount of water which might not drain from the table. As it happens, I used to use the exact same plastic tub that sloeginfizz has in that picture he just posted. I had trouble with algea growing in my system because even after draining, the tub still held a small amount of water, and light easily got through to it. I spray painted it flat black and that took care of the problem.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
If you want a nice size tray table and wanna get it locally and inconspicuously go to home depot go to the concrete section. They make a black mix tray for concrete its like maybe 3ft x 3 ft little smaller maybe good for like 5-6 plants just drill your drain and flood and it makes a great flood and drain setup or good for a drip system.