Driving Cross Country With Plants


I am moving in less than 30days and my plants have yet to flower in my aerogarden.
My question is, should I take them with me or toss them? At what point do the plants become illegal? As soon as they start germination or once they are harvested? Would I really be hassled if I have 4 plants?

I am going to driving in a 35foot RV with my 3 dogs, 1year old son, and my indoor garden with regular plants. I will be driving from IL to AZ. I know AZ are total pricks.




Well-Known Member
They are still relatively small so I don't see how you couldn't hide them quite easily in the RV. Most would say to toss them especially if your moving to arizona and you have your son with you. It's totally up to you....


Active Member
i would personally come down a few days early see a doc and then apply for my medical card then it is legal to have plants


Well-Known Member
If it was me I'd toss em, it's a risk vs. reward thing for me. Especially with a baby on board and possibly looking a fed charges (crossing state lines and all) if you get pinched.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if the genetics are special to you but I agree that they are so young there's no reason why you can't just pop a few again at your new pad and have similar size plants in 3-4 weeks.


so not worth it! crossing state lines... and they took my kids over a little pot. AZ is legal now you can get better strains im sure..


Well-Known Member
Agreed, toss em and start over, If the cops pull you over with plants in your RV growing they will throw you the book IMO.

If you weren't taking the kiddo i'd say go for it but not with the kid, completely 100% not worth it


Active Member
Toss 'em.

I'm all for trafficking drugs but don't risk it with your 1 year old in the RV. New seeds are cheaper then having the courts take your kid.