Driving high


Well-Known Member
what are your guys' thoughts on this? can it be compared to drunk driving? i've been with people that were high and driving and they drove fine. i've searched the forum for a topic like this but came up short. has anyone had any encounters with the police while driving high? let's hear some stories:-D
Man... :lol: One time, YEARS ago I was hittin' a bowl in my car at a light. I look over, and there's a COP sitting right next to me watching me. I almost choked. He just looked at me and drove off. :shock:

I drive stoned, but riding (my motorcycle) is different, I'm not good enough at it just yet. :shock: :lol:


Well-Known Member
You lucky Seamaiden.

We were tripping (acid) one night in Brisbane (QLD Aust.) with a designated driver. Anyway, the car we were in (all seven of us) had a habit of stalling and the only way to restart it was to jump out, open the bonnet and arc the starter motor with a screwdriver.
We must have jumped out of that car a dozen times at traffic lights, all six of us, to collaborate on how to start the car again. We were lucky that no cops saw the spectacle, but I think we scared a few other drivers around town. That was a funny night. I remember some of it...


Active Member
I CANNOT drive unless I am high. I get all jerky and mess up my turns but when Im high everything is smooth and perfect. The first time I drove high was my second day in my Driver's Ed course, so I was high most of the time I was learning to drive.


Well-Known Member
Driving high and driving drunk are not even in the same ball park.

Driving Drunk = swerving, speeding, blackouts, wrecks, DUIs

Driving Stoned = driving too slow, missing exits, stopping too often for munchies, avoiding cops like the black plague.

I love puffing when I have to drive a long distance on the highway. I used to drive to Denver every couple of months (about 900 miles away). I could puff the entire way and only ever stop for gas and the bathroom. About 13 hours strait driving. Weed made the drive interesting and it would fly by. Weird thing about weed, even though it usually makes you sleepy, for some reason when driving stoned I tend to stay more alert and never get the urge to doze off while driving like I do sometimes when I'm straight. Just like gyphon said.

Also, if you ever do start to feel drowsy on a long drive, take a few tokes on the old pipe and bam, you aint drowsy no more. Just nicely toasted and ready for a few more hours of pure zoning out and driving.


Active Member
I'd prefer to see someone high behind the wheel than someone drinking. However, neither is a good idea. Let's face it, there's just too much going on around you and 1 little distraction can end a kids life. Nothing is worth that.


Well-Known Member
You lucky Seamaiden.

We were tripping (acid) one night in Brisbane (QLD Aust.) with a designated driver. Anyway, the car we were in (all seven of us) had a habit of stalling and the only way to restart it was to jump out, open the bonnet and arc the starter motor with a screwdriver.
We must have jumped out of that car a dozen times at traffic lights, all six of us, to collaborate on how to start the car again. We were lucky that no cops saw the spectacle, but I think we scared a few other drivers around town. That was a funny night. I remember some of it...
haha! i would have loved to see that.:lol:


Well-Known Member
my boyfriend doesnt have a problem driving high and most other people i know dont. I think its really circumstantial. like how high the person is and how well they handle themselves when high. my boyfriend will smoke a bowl or two and can drive fine, but he chooses not to drive if he smokes more than that or at least waits until he comes down a little bit. or i drive.

of course there are people that shouldnt be on the road high because they cant handle it but i'd say most are probably fine as long as they arent smoking like a quarter to themselves then hopping in the car. although... i'd pass the fuck out if i smoked that much... so driving wouldnt even be a concern.

I wouldnt compare it to drunk driving. I dont hear of deaths because the person was high on marijuana. but you always hear about deaths because of alcohol. I would say high driving is much safer. I think when high you are much more aware of your surroundings. and there was a study done in like 1993 i think it was where they found that people who drove high didnt drive any worse then a completely sober driver and they tested their reaction time to certain situations like someone running a redlight or crossing the street and they were able to react just as quickly as a sober driver. i thought that study was interesting. I should see if i can find it. I think it was conducted by UCLA but I cant remember.


Well-Known Member
You lucky Seamaiden.
NO SHIT! :lol: I can't tell you how many times I've been pulled over and let go. Believe it or not, never while high.

We were tripping (acid) one night in Brisbane (QLD Aust.) with a designated driver. Anyway, the car we were in (all seven of us) had a habit of stalling and the only way to restart it was to jump out, open the bonnet and arc the starter motor with a screwdriver.
We must have jumped out of that car a dozen times at traffic lights, all six of us, to collaborate on how to start the car again. We were lucky that no cops saw the spectacle, but I think we scared a few other drivers around town. That was a funny night. I remember some of it...
LMAO!!! I used to get serious wanderlust when frying, drove all OVER the place. I remember being in Hollywood and the sheriff's department had a sobriety checkpoint on Hollywood Blvd. My sister and our friends are FREAKING because I've got wall-to-wall pupils. Deputy shines a big old light RIGHT in my face when I've got a single serving Martinelli's (if anyone else knows it, it's sparkling apple cider and the singles look JUST LIKE a beer) and he gets worked up about that. I tell him, "Take a drink! It's apple cider." :D He smells it after shining that light in my face and says, "Go on through, don't come back through we're ticketing for cruising." :lol:

I was driving my dad's Chevy Caprice that night because my Mazda was in the shop for solenoid repair. I had to keep a big screwdriver in the glovebox because sometimes it wouldn't start and I had to put the screwdriver across the contacts to get it to start. :lol:


Active Member
has anyone been pulled over while high and got off?
Once, I was at a stoplight, and I took a big hit, and blew it out my window. Just to look over and see a MOTORCYCLE cop sitting next to me. I thought I was TOAST! He looked at me and was like "WTF you thinking dumbass?" Told me to pull over, then told me to dump the weed. So I dumped the weed and he took off..



Well-Known Member
Once, I was at a stoplight, and I took a big hit, and blew it out my window. Just to look over and see a MOTORCYCLE cop sitting next to me. I thought I was TOAST! He looked at me and was like "WTF you thinking dumbass?" Told me to pull over, then told me to dump the weed. So I dumped the weed and he took off..

no way! must have scared the shit out of you! you lucky bastard:p


Active Member
I drive high all the time. I am so much careful when i am high too. Never been in an accident or had any close calls when i am driving blazed.

Cruise Control is my best friend when high.

BTW, if you want to get soem tips from an ex xop as to where to hid bud in your car watch this video.
YouTube - Never Ever Get Busted By The Cops!


Well-Known Member
i won't drive when i've been smoking, impaired is impaired whether it be alcohol or some smoke.


Active Member
i remember a time when there was 5 of us in a old corolla all peaking off our faces on XTC and we pulled up to the lights n started pulling some bongs in the back, we look to our right and exactly the same kind of car pulled up next to us with a bunch of 18-20yr olds in it, so the drivers both start revving there engines (real shitty cars btw) and we both take of, we just get infront and start to take off then the driver in our car for some reason starts to slow down just after hitting the speed limit and the other car passes us with all the people givin the finger and laughing. Just as they got infront of us a cop on a bike comes flying up behind us so we started shitting it tryin to put away all the smoke stuff but funnily enough he flys past us and pulls over the car that had a little drag with us!!!! IT WAS GREAT!!!


Well-Known Member
i remember a time when there was 5 of us in a old corolla all peaking off our faces on XTC and we pulled up to the lights n started pulling some bongs in the back, we look to our right and exactly the same kind of car pulled up next to us with a bunch of 18-20yr olds in it, so the drivers both start revving there engines (real shitty cars btw) and we both take of, we just get infront and start to take off then the driver in our car for some reason starts to slow down just after hitting the speed limit and the other car passes us with all the people givin the finger and laughing. Just as they got infront of us a cop on a bike comes flying up behind us so we started shitting it tryin to put away all the smoke stuff but funnily enough he flys past us and pulls over the car that had a little drag with us!!!! IT WAS GREAT!!!
did the car look like this?



Active Member
i drive so sLOW!
but i wouldn't say it really affects my driving much besides driving slow, which really isn't that bad...


New Member
if you can handle your high, then driving seriously isn't an issue. i drive all the time when i'm stoned, hell i drive better when i'm stoned. more focused and relaxed.

but... if i was to drive back in the day when my tolerance was really low, that probably would be a bad idea lol

drunk driving and stoned driving are completely different. people who have experienced both know what i mean :mrgreen:

Exactly, but i still dont like driving drunk stoned all day litterally:joint:.