dro - shwagg potency?


Active Member
I was wondering if i were making cannabutter how much shwagg would i need copared to a quarter oz of dro to equal out the same high as a cookie made with dro cannabutter.


Well-Known Member
depends on the schwag. I used a half oz of brick into one stick of butter. 3 cookies took me past the moon into outer space. good luck man


Active Member
thx man it will probably be some brick but the brick i get is better than most brick around so hopefully everything goes well being im doing this for my 420 celebration. im going to use a whole ounce and im gonna use 4 sticks of butter because the tutorials i read up on to make cannabutter says to use 4 sticks for a whole ounce of bud.


Well-Known Member
that will make your cookies about half as potent i reccomend using 1/2 oz brick to 1 stick of butter. is this your first edible experince, if so get ready for the ride of your life.


that will make your cookies about half as potent i reccomend using 1/2 oz brick to 1 stick of butter. is this your first edible experince, if so get ready for the ride of your life.

I agree the more bud to butter, the better... use two sticks for the whole ounce, not four.


Active Member
next go round ill use more bud...cookies turned out great but in my opinion coulda been more potent...had friends that ate one and said they felt the effect after about an hour...maybe i ate too many and ate myself sober...lol