Dro vs soil (pics included!! Please hear me out)

ive seen several threads on several sites debating on which is better hydroponics or "dro" or soil. the end result always seems to be hydro grows faster soil taste better or and i quote "dro for cash, soil for stash" but thers a few things i wud like you guys to verify

1.Hydroponically grown Marijuana or dro is the good stuff also known as[or is it confused with??] "beasters" "high grade" "dank" no sticks no seeds smells lovely packed with crystals and has a very distinct fluffy, stickyness to the buds u can see(pics below) and feel. dro sales in my city for 20-25 a gram and 350-450 a oz.


2.Regular weed/ Mids also known as "dirt" "schwag" "reggie" usually comes from mexico, full of seeds and stems, compressed, smells like plant, tastes like fertz and as far as i kno is grown in soil. schwag sells in my city for about 10 dollars for 6 grams or 40-50 bucks an OZ and looks like this.

i understand reggie has a hard time makin it across the border which is why it looks so rough and i also kno the dro pictures above may be of high quality genetics as well but this is my real confusion

if i took some schwag seeds View attachment 1301998

and grew them in a hydroponic systemView attachment 1302003

would my end result look fluffy and have the stickyness and other qualities of the "hydroponically grown" pictures above despite the inferior genetics?(basically would my reg seeds become worth 20 a gram if grown in hydroponics?)
View attachment 1302011

also this question may be a little more dumb but if i grew beasters and stuff (like the hollywood og above) in dirt would the buds come out looking similar to mids and schwag?

the other day i bout a half ounce of blueberry for 70 that had the same texture and look as reggie or schwag but obvioulsy carried superior genetics u cud tell by the smell, the very few seeds and the high it gave me. it looked like this
a few weeks ago i had also bought 1/8th of some bluberry that was hydroponically grown for the same 70 dollars (differnt dealer) same smell but the dro seemd to smoke better and get me higher (maybe cuz i paid so much for it) it looked like this


is this the difference between soil and hydroponics?


Well-Known Member
haha i haven't seen schwag in like 7 years... forgot what it looks like. Im a hydro grower and never have grown in soil so my opinion is really bias. I feel like hydro grows faster and bigger buds, the strength to me is stronger as well. now for how the weed looks has alot to do with growing conditions, genetics, and a little TLC. with that said when i go to the medical dispensary all of the weed grown in dirt seems to be more airy, but seems to unlock the true taste and smells of the strains. even with a good flush and a proper cure organic soil weed to me is way more tasty and the fruity strains really get to smelling sweet and yummy. I like hydro better because of the punch it gives you, also easier to grow. I have everything automated so i only have to do maintenance once a week, but i always finding myself peeking on my ladies throughout the day.
Ahh ok so I think the key factor to get buds like those under the "dro" section are growin conitions, genetics and tlc? growin them hydroponically alone does not garenty all buds will result like those fluffy beaster muthalovas above. right or wrong?

N I think the trick with soil must be the organics and of course growin condititions, genetics and tlc that will produce buds lookin and feelin like those under the "dro"/beaster section eventhough they grown in soil. Right?

Hope I'm not confusin u


Well-Known Member
Ya IMO proper lighting is one of the greatest factors in getting some really dense nugs and everything falls into place after that. I have grown many different strains and all look different at the harvest even with the same growing conditions. Indicas and Sativas will look different. Here is some sour D i grew with hydro

And here is some organicly grown soil marijuana that i found online.

There really isnt much difference in the appearance of the weed, just like i said before I think they will smoke, smell, and tast different. Also growing Hydro will make your plants grow faster and I totally think it makes it stronger.


Well-Known Member
Comparing your two stashes of blueberry is apples and oranges man. The first blueberry looks like it was grown outdoor. You're taking the dealers word that the second is hydro. Even if it is, doesn't mean the two were grown in the EXACT same conditions. So you can't really compare unless you have a hydro setup, then put some soil plants in with them. Same lighting, same schedules, equivalent nutes (say FF's line of soil and of hydro nutes etc), etc etc etc.

See what I mean?

edit: The reason I'm growing soil, is because it's supposed to be easier on people with not alot of grows under their belt. I will try hydro eventually, but there is something satisfying about doing it all natural, like mother nature. Keeping in mind my bias when I say this, I think I will be a dirt warrior for a long time.
alright coo thanks for clearin dat up for me guys i really appreciate the feedback
and btw those are sum gourgeous buds u got there motoracer:clap:, i too strive to forget what schwag looks like :-P
happy growing all


Well-Known Member
If you grow something really good in dirt, it will not come out like schwag, it will be yummy nug, provided it's done well. I have grown lots of killer in dirt / soil less mixtures.
idk if its just my area but i hate how the word DRO is used to descirbe high grade weed
when in reality its the method in which it was grown- this was the birth of my initial confusion
im gettin ready to start a journal and im thinkin bout incorporating hydroponics and soil in it side by side so i can find my prefrence of smoke between the 2 styles
i encourge you guys to look out for it as i am jus another newb trying new things


Active Member
if this is your first time growing try soil first.. and research hydroponics. while growing in soil because it looks easy but it isnt. require more man labor =(


Well-Known Member
idk if its just my area but i hate how the word DRO is used to descirbe high grade weed
when in reality its the method in which it was grown- this was the birth of my initial confusion
im gettin ready to start a journal and im thinkin bout incorporating hydroponics and soil in it side by side so i can find my prefrence of smoke between the 2 styles
i encourge you guys to look out for it as i am jus another newb trying new things
All areas have people that call any good weed 'dro' when in reality they have no idea how it was grown. These are the same people that also call everything decent kush.
i cant explain how much i agree with that comment
this would actually be my 3rd "attempt" at growing hydro for that exact reason :wall:
i was the "lets get to it" kinda guy and failed each time my latest mistake was due to my ph test kit being for an aquarium (yea im kinda cheap too) only went down to 6.0 so addin ph down by the cup instead of tsp gave me a solution that was probably closer to sumthin like 4.0 but came out on my test as 6.0 :-(
i jus got sum test strips that go from 1-14 so this time i hope to make it to harvest wish me luck

(ignore that pic that was for the journal)



Well-Known Member
If you take your dirt weed seeds and carefully grow them out keeping only the females, the end product will look, taste and smell 100 times better than the bricked up shit did. Will you be able to sell it at higher prices? Maybe. Will you be able to get $350 an ounce? maybe, it all depends on what the end product looks like, tastes like and whether or not it gets you high.
All areas have people that call any good weed 'dro' when in reality they have no idea how it was grown. These are the same people that also call everything decent kush.
i guess that can be chalked up to street dealers advertisment and sales pitches with no valid information smdh
If you take your dirt weed seeds and carefully grow them out keeping only the females, the end product will look, taste and smell 100 times better than the bricked up shit did. Will you be able to sell it at higher prices? Maybe. Will you be able to get $350 an ounce? maybe, it all depends on what the end product looks like, tastes like and whether or not it gets you high.
already! exactly wha i was lookin for


Well-Known Member
Using hydro DEMANDS that you use a good TDS meter and a Real good PH meter. Hanna ,Fisher, and Hache make top notch gear. PH strips are a HUGE hassle and are difficult to determine exact levels/ Hydro needs PH 5.6-5.8. Those strips are only going to tell you if its 5 OR 6 not in between. Pony up the $60 for a cheaper Hanna quick PH tester and go from there. You also want a TDS tester so you know how much nutrients you are trying to feed it. These are ESSENTIAL tools for the hydro grower.


Active Member
im not sure about the difference of how the smoke is goin to be yet but ill let yall no, but i started a soil and hydro of the same seed at the same time and the dro is about twice as big as the soil


You might be interested in my side by side same straing hydro and dirt grow of bubbles ive got going on ;)