Drooping bottom leaves with brown spots and brown tips on leaves


I posted this question about my plant a couple weeks ago. I then transplated my plant into a bigger pot and different soil. Generic soil with perilite. i phd water to 6.0-6.3 and have just been watering straight. today it's bottom leaves are no better... have some leaves with dark spots around veins 2 leaves to be exact and a couple leaves with what looks like nute burn.. and it apears that most the the leaves have tips that are brown. what is wrong and what can be done. this is the first time this plant has had any problems at all.. she's been great up till this point it's 76 degrees.. not sure on what humidity is maybe 20-30% in there would have to put the temp thing back in and find out.


Active Member
hell she looks great man, wouldn worry bout wuts already been burnt, unless the leaves completely die then i would clip em... jus keep waterin normally as long as the burn isnt spreadin... maybe take a close look under the leaes and everywhere for any kinda bugs... the ones that have already been burnt arent gonna heal them selves...


:cry:This is what i found today.... i have never seen mold but is that what this is????? it seems to only be on 2 leaves currently.. is there something i can get to take care of this????? it hasn't made it to the bud yet and i want to prevent it from happening... i can take a trip to the hydro store if someone can tell me what to do i'm so stressed!


Are the burnt tips curling up?If so,it my be a magnesium def.I'm having the same problem.Try spraying your plants with epsom salt.2% concentration.


Active Member
kinda looks like bugs to me... find some ortho 3-in-1 rose and flower care (i got it from a store similar to home depot, but i think i saw some at walmart too), it protects against bugs and fungal diseases, and it also has sulfur in it. the bottle says you can use it up to 1 day before harvest (i would stop about a week before). lightly spray the leaves with it, and when you water, mix up the top 2-3 inches of your soil n spray the soil too. make sure you LIGHTLY pray the leaves, as it dries up n leaves a white residue, which might clog up the pores (or wutever plants pores are called)


i have tiger bloom from fox farms ... haven't been feeding her though just straight water the past 2 times so that could be in. should i try feeding her see if the problem stops then go to the ortho stuff???


she got nute burned the last time i fed her the tiger bloom and didn't want to burn her to bad.... so i backed off.. it's almost time to water her again today so i will try again hope that helps!


ok i can do that... i'll try today .. this is my second grow and i had problems in flower last time also... i'll figure this out though sooner rather than latter. I love your outdoor grow mygirls. Reminds me of my childhood. My dad grew a lot and for like 5 years we had a green house.. great plants from in there.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
ok i can do that... i'll try today .. this is my second grow and i had problems in flower last time also... i'll figure this out though sooner rather than latter. I love your outdoor grow mygirls. Reminds me of my childhood. My dad grew a lot and for like 5 years we had a green house.. great plants from in there.
thank you, they do work great,don't they.


I sadly live in an apartment but i grew up on a organic farm,,, so i know i'll have a farm someday it's just in me ya know... so some day i will have a green house devoted to all things MJ.


My problem only seems to be getting worse any sujestions????? now it's 3-4 leaves instead of 2... sigh i don't know what to do she just needs to get thru flower