Drooping leaves turning brown. Help!


New Member
1. Plants are 6 weeks since sprout
2. I use a 600watt MH
3. Soil is maricle grow miracle grow
4. Humity and temp are kept steady
5. I have 12 plants under one light, although... only 3 have this issue.
6. I have a fan (on low)

If anyone might know what might cause this i'd appreciate it if you let me know. If you need more info, ask away!



Well-Known Member
There is no issues with the plants but those other scraggly looking things what are they clones? I dont hold much hope for them.


New Member
No those scraggly things are my freinds, he asked me to help revive them i just got them from him last night, he started from seeds and had no idea on what he was doing, using on cfl on them, and proably overwatering them, but i think i can fix them.


New Member
And no i didnt give them any calmag. But i started feeing them miracle grow plant food two weeks ago, i put half a teaspoon in 1liter of distilled water and split that among 11 plants and then an hour later actually watered them, i water them when the soil is looking dry, about 1 time every 2 days