Drooping Leaves


Well-Known Member
Hi guys im using autopot system with the plants all getting gravity fed the same amount of nutes but 1 of my plants has developed seriously droopy leaves.
In coco ph5.8 ec1.4
4 weeks in veg

could it be a salt build up ??


Well-Known Member
i mean i have no experience with gravity fed watering system but are they wilting or just drooping? from my knowledge of those two symptoms, its too little water from either nut lockout or simply not enough water. not exactly sure which it is with your case. a flush should help though.....


Well-Known Member
I have flushed about 4 hours ago, with just ph'd water and the new growth seems to be perking up a little, early days yet though, all the other older leaves are still going south.
im using 10 ltr pots and i flushed 5 ltrs of water through and let it drain till it stopped dripping out the bottom. Should i flush through more ?


Well-Known Member
Your plants need some nutes...mine are around 20 days in veg & doing very well on about EC 4.8...Also you might read Dr. VanDankenstein's Online grow class 101....Good Luck to you, MJ



Well-Known Member
your ec seems very high im am just going by what mine says to use on the carton. In coco 1.5 so i am under feeding slightly at 1.4.. 4.8 seems a bit high for me.
What are you growing in ?


Active Member
I have flushed about 4 hours ago, with just ph'd water and the new growth seems to be perking up a little, early days yet though, all the other older leaves are still going south.
im using 10 ltr pots and i flushed 5 ltrs of water through and let it drain till it stopped dripping out the bottom. Should i flush through more ?
If using 10 ltr pots, i would flush minimum 3-4 times the volume of the pots. 30-40 liters per pot.
Then you can be pretty sure its well flushed.

Peace :joint:


Active Member
I had similar probs, mine was from too much water. It could also be too little tho. If you flush, you should flush 2-3x the vol of ya pots.

By the way, nice result for the team, could have been way more. Now we just need Man U to cock it!


Well-Known Member
Hi...I am growing in rockwool in a DWC with auto feed 2x/day. Funny thing is I now have 1 plant with a couple of drooping leaves LOL I am just pushing on though since roots seem to be flourishing & the plant is still green. Maybe my EC is too high but my plants (for the most part) seem to love it...I am growing a strong Afghani Indica so maybe that is why ...who knows?