Drooping plants in need of help


Active Member
ok so this little guy just was moved from under a single light to a much more open area, the temp gone down about 12 degrees, i am really confused at why it died all of a sudden. and can it be brought back?



Active Member
More information?

-Down 12 degrees to...?
-What light was it under? What's it under now?


Active Member
75 to 63, a new light was put over it, watering has been normal. it might have been the light beacuse it was placed quite close to the plant.


Active Member
looks like over watering.... Make sure there are holes in the bottom of your pot for water to drain through. Use a tray to catch the water coming out of the bottom of the pot, but don't leave it so the soil can suck the water back up. You want the soil to be completely dry 2-3 inches down before you water again. (use distilled water)