Droopy branch, perky plant??


Active Member
i have a little plant called tooty fruity, its about 2 1/2 feet tall outdoors, i went to water this morning and it looks nice and perky but i noticed the very bottom branch is really droopy. what would cause only one (the bottom branch) to do this? i checked it to make sure there were no cut or rips on the branch.

Brick Top

New Member
Lack of light is possible. The upper plant shades the lower portion and because of that it takes in less energy so it droops. Another possibility is it is just a weak branch, not thick enough to carry its own weight so it droops. And another possibility is depending on how early you checked on your plants might explain the droop. They will droop/relax at night and after sufficient light hits them again they stand back up so maybe the next time you look the branch will be up where you would like to see it.
If you want it to stand up try giving it some Viagra. That sure makes things stand up tall and proud. (that was of course a joke so do not give it a try.)


Active Member
i watered at 10am this morning (plenty of light outside for them to wake up) and the branch isnt too shaded it gets plenty of light so i dont think its either of those. it COULD be a weak branch but the main stem of the branch seems fine, every leaf on it is pointing towards the ground though. the branch is about 12" long so no big deal. im just curious whats making it droop so bad.