Droopy clones


Active Member
I got 4 Raspberry Cough clones from a buddy... he took the cuttings and started them rooting for me in little soil cups on 9/11/12. Each is in it's own ziplock bag for humidity tent purposes. They are under 24 hours of flourescent light in my veg room and are sitting on a heated mat to keep the soil 5 - 10 degrees higher than ambient room temp. I am opening the bags and blowing some lung generated CO2 into them 2 or 3 times a day... blowing up the baggies like a ballon and ziplocking them back, being careful to position them inside so the leaves aren't stuck up against the bag. All of the baggies are staying moist inside as evidenced by condensation on the inside of the bags.

Two of them are showing some roots thru the sides of the cup, and smelling like delicious cannabis. :hump:

Two of them are are pretty droopy/wilty... no visible roots yet and no noticable smell. Can someone recommend a strategy to pep up the two droopers?