Drug Policy 08


Well-Known Member
Anyone got any ideas about these new, so called presidential candidates, views on pot? I've just started to research on the internet and haven't really come across anything yet. So I thought I would post here to get some insight.

Ever since Jimmy Carter, there hasn't been any hope for us...


Ok, I may have found something

OPED: Taylor Armerding -- Prosecuting Pot is a Waste of Time and Money

Marijuana Policy Project

If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend watching the documentary Grass.


Well-Known Member
waste of time wondering what a politician thinks about on any issue but especially pot. you don't think a rich fuckin politician is gonna stick his or her neck out. hell if they did others would just slip a noose over it and hang'em.


Well-Known Member
Ugh that's pretty ignorant of you to say - WOW!

Maybe I care because there are politicians that do advocate this shit! Next time, how bout you get a clue before you open your mouth...

I bet you are one of those people that just bends over and takes it huh?

In March 2006, U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) introduced an amendment to the ONDCP Reauthorization Act (HR 2829) that would have eliminated the White House's Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), the home of the drug czar, over the next five years. While the amendment didn't pass, it received 85 "yes" votes (including 47 from Republicans). This is an encouraging development in MPP's ongoing campaign to fight funding for the drug czar's wasteful, misleading, and ineffective anti-marijuana campaigns.
The drug czar's office funds the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, which run ads featuring teenagers under the influence of marijuana committing violent crimes. The growing awareness of how misleading and ineffective ONDCP's anti-marijuana ads are is affecting the drug czar's bottom line. MPP has successfully lobbied to reduce funding for the Media Campaign to a record low of $100 million for fiscal year 2006. Since 2002, MPP's efforts to cut the program have helped achieve a reduction of $80 million (from $180 million in 2002 to $100 million in 2006)—44% over five years.
Rep. Paul's March amendment to phase out the drug czar's office altogether wasn't the first attempt to do so. In 2003, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) proposed a similar amendment to eradicate the drug czar's office. Although neither of these amendments passed, MPP has gained powerful allies in the fight against the ONDCP's wasteful spending.
I can post countless other things if you need me to...

waste of time wondering what a politician thinks about on any issue but especially pot.
Typical American. I bet you don't even vote do you? So you could care less what any of these guys/girls views are on things that concern you and I? Like I said, I bet you just bend over and take what you can huh - yea ya do!

Same goes for your ass buddy that hasn't got a clue.


Well-Known Member
btw just a little FYI about Barney Frank, he is openly gay so that noose has already been close to around his neck before.

At least he is openly speaking about the facts we stoners have talked about for years but get swept under the rug due to it being about pot.

The more up in the capital that talk about such issues and have opinions like that, the closer we are to having reduced if not removed laws on pot.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I knew there had to be some people on here with half a brain. Rep points to you y0!


Well-Known Member
thanks, I just find it sad how many Americans just accept the politicians they get handed vs taking and looking at what they say on things.